But Sylvannas did raise A LOT of void elves in BFA.
The alliance was about to lose the fight in Undercity and the VE started poping all around, even the horde npcs saying their numbers were amazingly big (they did not expected so many BE would turn VE and go back to the alliance).
Sylvannas did not plan to lose Undercity but she did had a plan in case she did.
And before I forget, to all those horde players out there who like to say all kind of crap on VE threads, well, you know…
Please tell me…
If alliance ranks where boosted by VE is it so hard to belive a lot of them was KIA?!
Besides how would you see a diferent between said elves if now both have red eyes and use hoods?
Sylvannas raised all the elves she could find… even NIGHT ELVES.
Already answer.
But you are one of the special interwebz ppl so I will just say “good night” and hope you dont dry out from crying.
Again, you may not like it but it is what it is.
No. You didn’t answer. Because there were no prime Val’kyr around to raise anyone. The last Dark Rangers Sylvanas had raised were in Darkshore BEFORE she lost a Val’kyr and sent the other one to the Shadowlands.
So again: show me where there’s an Alliance Velf Dark Ranger in the lore.
Yes, specifically Alleria summoned a group mid-battle. Lortherman (whatever his name is) called us traitors despite he himself kicking us out. But we were there.
Not when it destroys lore. Sorry you people can’t comprehend that. Enjoy your bland, crappy, senseless game with no decent story. So much for the RPG portion.