Alterac Valley in Classic

They are also easily used to confuse the discussion. IE: “1.5 was only in game for X number of days!” (Even though the complete actual content of that patch existed for patches through 1.7)

IIRC the content in question existed for 126 days before slowly (and then jarringly) being removed/nerfed. That is why I cringe when people rally for 1.5 specifically.

Respectfully, how do you prefer people to refer to the three major changes that people reference? And how do you intend to make it widespread given 1.5, 1.8, and 1.11/1.12 are near automatically used to indicate the first patch during which their respective changes appeared? (Incidentally, the lifespans of those AVs, not the patches themselves, are 125, 252, and 169 days, respectively.)

Mind you, I think there’s merit to your concern, as pro-1.11ers often say ‘AV was changed every patch until 1.11 / 1.12!’ when that’s not really true, but I don’t see any particularly better system of reference.

I really do find it odd this has been unpinned for so long, but if say that topic of classic new’s that is much older, we’ll bump it a few times and boom repinned.

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I commonly use “early AV” which includes the original design elements that starting with 1.8 began to be removed/nerfed. “Early AV” includes shredders, minefields, Korrak, Korrak in original location, Syndicate, full sized map, All original NPCs and mobs at original strengths, etc.

Specifying a specific patch number opens things up to micro-lawyering.

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You think you do but you don’t.

Actually, no…I know what I want. Because I PLAYED that AV back before the changes…I’ve played through all of the AV changes before I quite in Cata…I know exactly the one I want.

You think you do but you don’t is a meme

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You think it is, but it isn’t.

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Yea and so is speak for yourself.

Memes don’t translate well into text when they are generally pictures to begin with. lol

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Totally agree… but in this case it is well documented that blizzard responded to our plea for classic originally by saying “you think you do but you don’t”

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The fun thing is when modern wow players flood the classic forum with complaints, J.A.B. will feel vindicated.


It was a joke man - I agree with you. This was a bad call going with the race horse version.


Although I believe I did not play AV until patch 1.8, I would have loved earlier. That being said, I am very bummed they are going with a version that removed so many of the guards and NPCs that made this feel amazing and a stand alone game onto itself.


Thank you Blizzard, for many wonderful games, Diablo 1 being the first that hooked me on PC gaming. If it were at all possible I believe many of your fans and customers would be very excited to be able to play the earlier version of AV, at least pre 1.11, although earlier is nicer. It was a BG played by people that loved it for the experience of playing it, not because they wanted rewards. I think it is important to note that playing it WAS the reward. It was the game’s PvP/PvE raid. By leaning toward the version that streamlined it for honor and rep gains, you aren’t leaving out 1 fun quest some people liked because it was vanilla wow quirky, but an entire game mode in my mind. More pure PvP seekers have world PvP and largely WSG/AB. Pure PvE seekers have raids, world dragons, etc. Please give the PvP/PvE raid crowd access to this beautiful and entirely unique battleground that your company made.

I will play either way, but I am very very sad to see Blizzard is going with a version that gutted so many of the original NPCs. A lot of what is being left out made AV feel like playing an RTS with 39 faction members vs 40 enemy players.

For years I told my friends I would pay $15/mo to play JUST AV again as it was. I was hoping this was finally that opportunity. For those that say it is “just one part of the game” you are absolutely right; however, please bear in mind that for some, seemingly many, this was the BEST part of the game. It was my endgame in vanilla as I did not raid. It was 100% and truthfully the first thing my mind went to when Classic was announced

If you’ve made it here, thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

a fan


I think many feel the same way. And many, like me, never got the chance to experience old AV before it was removed, but have heard about it for 15 years from the people who did. Old AV is legendary and it would be a pity not to give people the chance to experience it.


Wouldn’t be the first time blizzard made that mistake by thinking they know better then the fans what they want. Look at that Diablo Immortal ordeal. lol


I loved playing bgs and world pvp in classic and I loved AV, I played it not for rewards but for enjoyment but 1.12 av battlegroups made me start hating it all those dam afkers in shaman cave. It made it so I could never get a winning group because you can’t defend when 10-20 people in afking in cave and alliance being able to rush through all our defensives.
But well when afk report came in later expansions seeing how there were always afkers in av people started abusing it and reporting actual people defending you know those people who say I am going to defend who is with me. After all that occurred you never saw anyone defend at all especially on horde side it was just mindless rush and lose, they couldn’t get into alliance base before alliance could get into hordes and cap it or kill ballanda faster then alliance despite having more people then allies had.

Well that is my story of av I enjoyed it when 1.8 I believe it was current but battle groups really made it hell.

Seems I posted a quote I don’t remember using.

Right, Blizzard broke their best BG (IMO) with 1.12. The cross-realms we aren’t really concerned with here…it is the missing Elite NPCs, the missing Archers who would rain hell down on you from Bunkers, the Cavarly, the Air Support, the Elemental gods, and the Infantry.

We want a PVPVE…not a 45 minute PVP fest. If we wanted that…Eye of the Storm, Arthai Basin, or Warsong Gulch…we have that option already…it is BORING!

We want to bleed when we gain ground or make the enemy bleed for what they gain.

We want the challenge BACK! Not some noob friendly shell of its former glory.

I hope I’m wrong, and that it may be enjoyable…but with the current information we know, you’ve failed a big part of Classic right off the bat Blizz. I knew better then to get my hopes up…all I can do now is wait.


I would’ve really liked to see 1.5. Large groups were forced to work both offence AND defence. With mechanics like gathering blood for the Warlock and wolf pelts for mounted patrol having a vital role to play but only if your team wasn’t working together that well or getting outmatched. Yes, they lasted longer but you can still feel like progressing with the faction and earning honor. A huge long lasting fight was the nature of AV… if you wanted something faster and less epic that’s what the others were for.


Exactly if you want a huge long lasting fight don’t let the other faction rush. You
know pvp in a BG.