Alterac Valley in Classic

This topic is more important than threads about streamers.


I am very VERY glad to see old Veterans like myself want the REAL AV back!

The one where you had to fight to gain ground, you would engage the Guards at a flag then discover, the enemy were waiting for you as well. You 10 man group suddenly destroyed by 5 alliance and four guards that defended their post.

AV was hard because it was an actual WAR! War isn’t mean to be easy…and yes…the version we are getting is watered down and just not a good fit for Classic WoW IMO.

We want AV to last for hours…not A hour.


I agree. Since AV drops in phase 3 I hope we’ll be able to convince them it’s worth the effort to restore old AV before then. It should be preserved for the same reason that the game is.


I completely agree!

If we wanted a boring BG, we’d want the Live version as it is now.

We don’t want something boring…we want a fight. We want to have to bleed, sweat, yell, and cry just to advance. We want to waste 12 hours of our days just to win a single stronghold!

To feel the original blood, when both full 40 man teams were in the middle of field, cavalry all around with infantry charging in and you were summoning your element gods!

THAT was when AV was totally epic! The massive battle would be a blessing, and was totally an honor grind!

The gods beating each other, NPCs joining in the fray, getting one shotted by the elemental gods was glorious, even seeing players getting swatted like flies was amazing!

Thats what we want! Not some watered down “this will keep em happy.”

No…no it wont.


Even if they do release the version 1.12, I will continue to argue against it. In a way, I hope version 1.12 will get release just to show that

  1. Most of them will be zerg A.V. It’s unavoidable, no matter how hard I don’t want it to be, people will rush it.
  2. Alliance will win most of them
  3. Participation will greatly be reduced once people will be exalted with the alterac factions.

It’s a given to be honest … But once the developers will have the data from the classic servers, and we will have it as well, they will be forced to conclude this version is not good for the long term of the game and that they should at least try with versions 1.5 or 1.8.


Same here. I will argue against it as well…I went against it when they did it on the Live servers before I quit.

I really thought I was in a fools quest on this issue…glad it see I wasn’t alone.


Here is the problem…most of us AV Veterans HAVE played through ALL of the AV iterations, and we know which one was the most fun.

So thats what you are not getting.

1.5 was the most fun because it was difficult…it was a challenge…you had to spend hours to many any progress toward a victory. 1.12 isn’t going to be like that…it’ll be boring. There is no challenge…no feeling of amazement when you win…just…'Oh…a win. yay. Boring."

1.5 victory? Oh…

“Yes! We got 'em! We just pulled it off by mere seconds!!”

Yes…that happened in the early AVs…the Mines were HIGHLY important. Upgrading the troops, the cavalry…the blood for your Elemental God…thats what we want…not a snoozefest…sorry.

We have played these different AV’s before.


I think making 1.5 available would be smart. Old school AV is simply one of the most amazing gaming experiences in history IMO, and would be boon for the franchise. Even if 1.12 is released, please also make 1.5 available in some manner.


It needs deleted

The unfortunate result will be what you see certain posters here doing, blizzard will blame the players for it being a simple race rather than a warzone bg.


The problem is that it’s an experience that’s nifty once but not something you want to do every time you log into AV.

Speak for yourself.



I’d rather do 1.5 indefinitly than A.V 1.12? zerg rush every game or actual PvP combat?


And yet a lot of people wouldn’t, which is why blizzard changed AV pretty much every patch of vanilla until they landed on 1.11 AV. So yeah I get there are a minority of people who just want 1.5 AV, but even during vanilla most people did not.

How deep can you put your head in the sand dude? There is a large majority wanting an older version. It as easy as counting the likes/support posts for another version than 1.12 AV.


At this time, with the recent streamer interview media blitz, it has been stated that the developers are open to later expansion ‘classic’ servers. I believe that it’s worth bringing up again that as it stands, if we receive TBC and Wrath servers at some point, either Vanilla and TBC will share a mechanically-same AV, or TBC and Wrath will.

If this is a museum piece, I believe it’s important that we diversify the exhibits. I once again forward the idea that we should have an AV in Vanilla’s Classic that is fully representative of a version of the game only available during Vanilla, and is not shared by a later expansion. Once again, Blizzard, please reconsider the availability of 1.5 or 1.8 AV, as once 1.11’s version rolled around, there was only one major change in TBC (the revamp) and no major changes at all in Wrath. Provide 1.5 or 1.8 AV for Vanilla, holding off 1.11’s AV for TBC (1.11 AV’s mechanics were used for the majority of TBC), and using the Revamp that brought reinforcements for Wrath, as it was the only AV Wrath ever knew.

As a further point, one of the devs explained the reasoning for using the original mount system for classic as it being the version that ‘was live in classic for almost all of it.’

Total number of days Vanilla had AV: 546. (June 7th, 2005 - AV added to game.)
The number of days AV had guards: 377. (June 19th, 2006 - NPCs retired.)
The number of days AV had no guards: 169. (December 5th, 2006 - TBC prepatch.)

AV had guards for 69% (giggity) of Vanilla, and did not have guards for 31%.

Please consider revising your decision toward not making available a version of AV which was only available during Vanilla’s lifespan, which will inherently bring back a piece of AV which better represents any version that was available for the majority of Vanilla’s life-cycle, and which is not represented by any other expansion.

I will also remind the thread that there does not need to be a singular version of AV available. It’s an instanced zone. This is one of the few cases where it is possible to please almost everyone. That said, if there is only one, I would still, personally, prefer it to be a version exclusive to Vanilla’s lifespan, and which better represents the experience, guards being included for over a year, versus a version only available for just under six months.


“A lot” of people like BFA as well. Also just a reminder that patches prior to 1.8 actually buffed AV and fixed parts.

His MO is support of the worst parts of vanilla since his desire for changes outside the timeline of vanilla were shot down. It is sour grapes trolling.


Those people have the opportunity to play something very similar to 1.12 AV in the current game. 1.12 AV has more in common with current AV than with the one that people had for the majority of Vanilla, the one that people remember and still talk about.


Again, people are getting hung up on version numbers. The discussion should be the content itself and what was removed/neutered.


Version numbers are just an easy way of identifying the content itself, though, yes? 1.5 – Original AV and all content. 1.8 – Trimmed map. 1.11 – sweeping removal of NPCs and generally the final gutting of original AV. Version numbers are just shorthand to indicate that, unless I’m misunderstanding your concern?

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