Let be honest here the Horde win percentage is going to be around 95% post changes, maybe higher. They cried and they got what the wanted. Guaranteed wins. And yes they knew that is what they wanted and that is what they were given. Why should we have to play their game? Why should we be their HK pinata? Run the Horde queue time up to 24 hours until they move the cave back.
The salt must flow.
The BRD quest XP exploit only works for horde and has be known longer than AV has been out yet Blizzard didnt fix that. They will only make changes to the game if it benefits horde.
If that were true, WSG and AV wouldent be out yet, and we would still be in P2. Got a selective memory?
Why do horde have a 95% win rate in an even game? Alliance needs to stack the deck just to break even? I think not.
I know it sucks if you paid money…
I mean, its the most broken iteration of AV in the history of WoW. Very disappointing that they chose this one… but lol.
If you people would learn to play and adapt to the changes on the battlefield, you can win. Sadly lameo alli cry and afk once they get stopped in their race.
As much as I hated long Qs in retail, I apparently at least had more fun actually PLAYING the OBJECTIVES of a said BG as horde.
How about you just get better at the game instead of crying you can’t get 40 coordinated players in discord when the other faction cannot.
Sounds like you needed a trigger warning.
yea, too much stress at work today
My premade group is WSG only now. Join in… its nice here. Skill actually matters
Let’s go back a bit.
P2 - some alliance QQ or more about WPvP.
P2.5 - some horde QQ about Paladins about reckoning.
P2.5 - some horde QQ about premade. Also, alliance because 5 vs 40 is insane (I did not QQ I just accepted my fate) it’s good change
P2.5 - some horde QQ about cave capping(never seen it as alliance pug av) seen videos of some premade alliance doing it.
P2.5 - some alliance premades QQ about AV changes.
P2.5 - some horde QQ about GY camping by premade in WSG.
Changes are happening because ppl cannot except losing or being killed in a game. I believe some of these ppl need to head back to retail.
I am ok with AV changes because ppl were exploiting it.
Paladin reckoning is kind of broke that should not have changed only a cap at 5.
Blizzard needs to get it right.
No class changes should happen, only if being exploited or bug as in warriors slam.
Let’s see who else QQs about what ever.
You know what the forums kind of resemble vanilla ppl QQ a lot.
Said the mage
Amen brother, this isn’t what I pay for. I feel like i’m in retail with the quality of these “fixes.”
The general population of alliance are stay at home moms, people over 40, girls that roll human priest because they care more for looks than racials and young children playing with their parent that played in vanilla. The horde win % should be higher that 95%.

Why should we be their HK pinata?
Uh… There are other ways to play and win that battleground. They’re fun, too!
Don’t have to tell me twice lol. Tbh, idc about spiting anyone, WSG is just so much more fun.
I haven’t won an AV in 3 weeks! Horde win 99% of the time on my server anyway. Its so bad Alliance don’t even try anymore!
Its me and maybe 4 others trying to cap points and kill LTs before horde wins every match!
Do you think

I haven’t won an AV in 3 weeks! Horde win 99%
might have something to do with

Its so bad Alliance don’t even try anymore!
In all honesty. The fights in AV today have been feistier than normal, but as soon the Drek rush is stopped…it is as you say, everyone just gives up. There is no effort to defend, no effort to back cap…nothing.
It may not be a fast win, but actually defending while having some pushing north is exactly how the Horde won against premades.