Alliance exploiting battle for Ashenvale

Hopefully they fix it. I agree SoD has been enjoyable but there has certainly been some trial and error that we hope is sorted out and lessons learned carry over to Phase 2.

Giving the Alliance every benefit possible is the design philosophy behind Aggrend’s SoD(streamer edition).


No it isn’t. There’s a post every day about how Alliance/Horde have advantages/disadvantages in Ashenvale. Anyone looking into playing the game would have no idea what to believe.

OP has a legit concern as opposed to your exaggerated claim.


Yes it is, you’re just being dishonest because that’s what people with thousands of forum posts do here in an effort to troll/get attention.

This needs to be a priority fix within the next day before everyone leaves for the holidays!


These are the sensationalized posts that share your flavorful sentiment. So which is it? Horde is favored or Alliance?


There you go with that dishonesty again, trying to bait out an argument by selectively sampling.

Tell me again, which faction is locked on most servers?

Typical thousands of posts behavior.


Come on dude.

You have to be a complete stone to not see the alliance bias in sod.

It’s even more alliance favored than som, and by a mile

And I’m not just talking about ashenvale


So I provide examples of sensationalism and that’s selective sampling. It’s okay to be mad that you are wrong, just don’t double down on it.

Horde have won battles too. There’s posts every day how they have some sort of imbalance due to having 2 flight paths on both sides of Ashenvale.

It’s level 25. We have no idea what they got planned for Phase 2. I can’t imagine how people negotiate through bad days thinking it’s the end of the world.

I’ll say it again. Alliance should just be renamed easy mode.


He’s just doing what his type do on the forums. Trying to bait out an argument by being a contrarian.


Dude, I’m not just talking about ashenvale.

I am directly calling you out on your dismissal of sod alliance bias. Of which there are countless evidences and proofs posted on the forum.

You have to be a complete munk to not see it. Or you are purposely ignoring it for ego reasons.

I play alliance too


Calling someone a monkey seems a little particular in this instance. Seems like someone is getting mad about their opinion being opposed.

tried to ctrl F for monkey for context and saw nothing…
Big TLDR on the entire thread but… what?

Edit: they said “munk” that’s a monkey move


There is no opinion.

Everyone knows and sees the alliance bias. I am literally on my alliance 25 as we speak

The difference between you and I is I do not have to deny it to preserve some nonexistent ego


Tldr alliance guy thinks sod alliance isn’t the more beneficial faction to play on

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looks like he changed it to munk.

What kind of gotcha is this? You think people are that worried about a 20 y/o iteration of a the game?

I’m at work perusing forums. You’re at home on the forums when you could be playing the game. >_>; who is more upset about this here?

Who cares what people are worried about? I don’t. I’m just calling you out on your inability to break your ego and see our alliance bias

And now you are trying to throw jabs because you can’t make a congruent argument about “alliance not having a bias/stronger favoritism in sod”

And you can’t prove that because you already know why it’s not true.

Even just the runes themsevles, let alone anything else I could mention will kill any argument against it you can have.

You also see me on the forums often. So trying to use that in an argument against me isn’t going to work when you are doing the same thing.

Come up with a real argument

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lmao. Okay so long as we agree you’re ignorant to people sensationalizing first world problems.

I don’t care what you think about it. I’m just calling you out on saying it isn’t true.

There’s no reason to lie about it if it “isn’t a big deal”