Ashenvale PvP Horde Bias

Unsurprisingly the Ashenvale PvP Event is extremely Horde bias’d. And while I don’t expect it to be fixed it needs to be.

Not only are the majority of the fights closer to Splintertree Outpost and the Horde’s entrance to the Ashenvale from the Barrens. But they don’t even have to plan around traversing Ashenvale to clear the one north camp because they can fly from Zoram to Splintertree which is infinately faster than mounts.

Alliance can watch entire Horde raids fly over them and reach the south camps faster while running up the hill towards Astranaar.

Either relocate the camps or make the Flight Paths unusable during the event. It’s actually ridiculous how everything in WoW is slanted in the Horde’s favor every single time.

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I’ve rarely lost an Ashenvale battle as Alliance. I have even been in battles where it looked like Horde might win, but we wipe them on our way from the third field commander, hook through our main base, kill horde, and then go right to their final boss and kill them.


Has to be a troll post right?

Im horde, ive done around 50 events so far and horde has won only 10 of them.


Just because you don’t know how to abuse riding a Wyvern doesn’t mean it’s not still slanted in your favor.

I take it you think this and play Alliance?

Reroll Horde, please.


FWIW, I play Alliance, but I’m mostly not sure if we win or lose. I don’t really know what’s going on. I just type /inv in general, and follow people around, damaging whatever everyone is damage, and when I notice people are leaving the raid, I leave it, too.

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Spent a hot minute in Ashenvale for my Dstorm rune and went through maybe three or four strong alliance wins.

Horde has a layer and Alliance has a layer, finding the right one is the optimal path. It shouldn’t be like that but it is.

Obviously bait thread is obvious.


Horde has 3 very spread out… alliance have 2 very close with a base in the middle.

That base in the middle is huge for alliance… just stop lol

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alliance have a massive bias and win 99% of all ashenvales

alliance basses are placed in an easier way

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A lot of Horde that can’t PvP showing up.

Flying from Zoram Strand to Splintertree will get you to 3 of the 4 Alliance bases way faster than mounting up ever will. That you can’t figure that out doesn’t change the fact that it’s biased in your favor.

Says the guy getting his cheeks clapped so hard in ashenvale he makes a post crying about it.


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I assume so. I just hit revered on my ally and I’ve only lost one game so far. Horde need help.


I’ve won most of the events I was present for. I think I’ve lost twice because the Horde finally abused their blatant advantages. Still needs to be fixed.

Oh okay, so alliance are winning most of the games… but because you think there is some advantage because they have 2 bases on the side it must be an advantage… even though alliance is winning most of the matches.

Got it lol


Horde sucking and the Devs designing it around giving Horde an instant advantage aren’t mutually exclusive. One does not cancel out the other.

Yikes. GG go next chaos bolt lol

To be fair, it’s the boss mechanics for Horde that make it worse for us, not placement. The bosses have a 10 second, uncapped AoE root in a massive radius, and they charge the furthest player. No matter how much you spam it, some idiot isn’t in the giant stack, they get charged, and no melee can DPS for 10 seconds. It’s awful


and they still lose a lot bwahahahahahahah horde NOOOOOOOOOBS

And the Blademasters will three shot people by charging to knock everyone over and then bladestorming. It’s called a Free Action Potion. Or an Insignia.

The knockdown isn’t 10 seconds long. You don’t have to stack everyone in one tight stack. You can spread as much as possible