Ashenvale always allaince dominated

im on living flame and nearly every ashenvale event is dominated by alliance theres always 3-5x more alliance than horde

the only way to counter this massive issue is for horde to try and dogpile on 1 layer to try and get a win

i know you guys tried to make things faction balanced but everyone saw how biased blizzard is towards alliance and how many free handouts and buffs they get like clearly blizzard wanted ret to be the meta top dps and went out of there way to try and shut down shamans especially enhance
giving them duel wield and not buffing them at all to do even competitive dps and making sure they didnt add a single melee weapon for shamans to use in BFD blizzard decided to make every single good one hand and 2 hand a sword on purpose just to give shamans and the horde the middle finger

force alliance off onto another layer at the start of ashenvale until the pop ratio is equil and all the alliance who end up on a layer with 0 horde just dont get credit
we as a community need to be more punishing to the playerbase for attempting to only use 1 faction because blizzard intentionally gives them more

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I did win as horde in chaos bolt several times but its crystal clear there are more alliance players doing it over there.

The time for horde is happening, as the sweaty alliance players all finish their grind, you will soon have nothing but braindead fresh 25’s to compete against and the event will become completely horde dominated. I am on living flame and every single match gets closer and closer to being horde dominated.

There is no inherent faction imbalance, most games don’t even have any pvp occur and is just a bossrush. The fact that horde haven’t been able to keep up despite having the best quest gear and 2 flightpaths in the zone, right beside bases is actually completely shocking.

Dogpiling on one layer is why there are no Horde on other layers. You’re not just layer stacking, you’re also layer emptying.


El Oh El XD

For the alliance!

Just hit level 25 as Horde on Living Flame, and… Holy moly, there’s basically no point in doing Ashenvale anymore. Every time I try, the Horde just gets DECIMATED. There is no point in playing this zone anymore when, after 10 events, we just get facerolled. I don’t want to make an alliance just because it’s FOTM, but man… It’s pretty debilitating… Hopefully Blizz can somehow fix this issue.

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Depends on the layer, tbh. Most of the players on both sides stockpile on certain layers to ensure a win. If you aren’t seeking out a discord to get on the layer your faction is stockpiled on, you’re probably going to be sent to a layer where your side’s horribly outnumbered.


im just surprised at how many people thought blizzard was gonna make some crazy cool new pvp mode when it is literally just the same as every other world pvp zone they have been making for the past 20 years.
i guess wow players never learn

Now you know why they lock factions…it would be 100% more lopsided if they didn’t regulate faction balance.

supposedly blizzard said every SOD server is within 5% of each other on horde and allie…so it should be 45-50 balance one way or another. Not sure how true that is, But that is what Blizzard said on twitter.

They lie like crazy its 60/40 on living flame and getting worse

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Alliance just are better when your starting cave isn’t half-way down the map.

Doesn’t help when I’m in a promising event, in a raid progressing on a boss and the game just layers me into a fresh one mid-fight. Super cool and fun.