Ashenvale bugs fixed only for Alliance?

This morning on Lone Wolf Horde killed 3/3 lieutenants in Ashenvale and went to the last boss, but she was still immune.

2 minutes later Alliance got their final lieutenant down and went to our last boss and killed it. They won the game, while we were unable to do so.

So Ashenvale bugs are only fixed for Alliance now or…?

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Same thing is happening for Alliance

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Nope. Just tried doing the event. Was bugged, so we ended up trying whatever we could for like 30 minutes, then just giving up and going to do something else for now.

I have been playing the world event this morning off and on, and can verify the Ashenvale event is defiantly bugged, specifically surrounding phasing.

The event will phase you, and if it phases you after you kill 1 of the lieutenants, your counter resets after phasing, but the lieutenant’s don’t refresh. I assume the script to start the event is what spawns Lieutenants, but when a phase happens the counter is being reset but not the script to spawn Lieuteants. This results in an immune boss because it wants you to kill the Lieutenants that are not spawned.

Yeah it’s a hot mess right now. I’m doing one boss kill for 200 until it’s fixed. Waste of time hoping it doesn’t bug out.

We (alliance) just bugged out 45 minutes ago.

Sounds to me you upset someone on these forums and they got sweet sweet programming revenge