Horde needs rep buff in Battle for Ashenvale

It is terrible to play Battle for Ashenvale as Horde - and so fewer and fewer people play it. And Alliance populations are so inflated compared to Horde (for a variety of reasons, racials/better streamlined questing/pallys vs shaman etc.) That Horde gets rolled in 90% of the battles.

The way layering works with the event has created a situation where my best course of action is to log onto alts on my other account and hope I land on the 1 layer most of the Horde are on so we can be competitive on 1 layer. This is not good gameplay.

There are way more alliance players - and if you’re making a new character - it is currently better to make an alliance character. This reality is contrary to your stated goal of keeping the world pvp events balanced. Faction locking the PvP servers does not address the problem, it just makes people who want to play alliance bitter because they are separated from their friends.

Currently Horde gets about 1 boss down on average in a PvP event on Wild Growth. Alliance has so many people they can afford to send equal numbers to all 3 of their bosses for defense as us, and still have the offense to complete the event in 10 minutes.

Also your servers are very clearly not setup to handle 100 characters on the screen casting at the same time, but that’s a separate issue for the infrastructure team.

Horde either needs a flat 300% rep buff from the end of the event (some ‘Against the Odds’ group buff or something) or a 400-500% rep buff from capping a flag in WSG. You tied several “end game” bis pieces behind rep - and it is very discouraging for Horde players knowing they will take dozens of additional events to get their gear compared to alliance.

TLDR: You need to incentivize people to do the things you want them to do - instead of just punishing the people that don’t want to be Horde by faction locking character creation.


I think the true solution is to not play. If Horde doesn’t play in Ashenvale, the event never happens unless they make Horde alts to slave away increasing that % towards their free rep.

Only times I’ve been on, Alliance would be at 100% while the Horde is still at 40~60% towards completion (Lava Lash server, late EST PM to AM hours). The one time I stayed in the zone when the event did happen, there was no Horde and Alliance just went from spot to spot to win uncontested so I just sat in front of Splintertree farming some broken Hunter Bot-farmers.

Considering the concept of locking important gear behind engaging in masochistic, un-fun situations, my solution has been to simply stop caring and no longer engaging in it, will likely just log on to run BFD with a close group of friends and call it done for a season because the bribe of “Ooh shiny” isn’t appealing when most of the time the effort required isn’t worth the reward.

If enough Horde stop engaging, the problem sorts itself out, faction imbalance doesn’t matter if the event doesn’t happen and perhaps they will learn from the situation. I mean, back in Wrath they learned that faction imbalance was real and did introduce the Raid-Boss Players AoO buff in Wintergrasp (Which was a band-aid because no amount of buffs countered being out-numbered as a caster being unable to cast in CC chains).

tl;dr? Just a Horde player that is done with SoD venting before going back to Retail’s Battleground Blitz.

This. Just protest it at this point until it’s a level playing field and they have layer caps and a drop down menu to select your layer. As is, it’s nonsense.

No offence but I don’t see this getting any better as horde on a pve realm. The faction balance is stacked for ally I’m sure.

They’re only balancing PvP realms, horde do a lot better there.

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Horde on wild growth (PVE) win all the time

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this is false, i have my troll hunter on there and I won 1 time out of 18… thats a far cry from all the time

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This man out here lying on Al Gore’s internet


I have over 30 wins on Horde - Wild Growth. I’m not lying. My rep with WSO is 10185/21k. I’ve never done wsg

How are you getting rep past revered without wsg?

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Until last night the adds next to the bosses gave rep for personally tagging them. I am pretty upset that they took it away

Damn, that’s commitment. I’d guess you’re only getting a couple hundred from Adds each time.

I hit revered and called it.

It was a lot more fun to me than WSG. I really hate the pre-made bs. I’ve always been a PVE player though so getting rep by doing a pve event was right up my alley.

I do say, t’was a swift and ruthless pwn

On Wild Growth if you /join ashenvalepvp there are groups organizing hourly and winning. I’ve had a 100% win rate in Ashenvale when Zolvolt was organizing groups for the event.

Now that rep was removed past revered though there’s going to be fewer dedicated players like him putting together raids since their only incentive was taken away.

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Winning and losing have nothing to do with the faction you’re on, and everything to do with your team’s ability to organize and execute a strategy.

i think he was the one I joined when i did get my win. I joined a 2nd time but when he left to make another raid when horde was at 99% we all phased out into another isntance and ended up at 73% somehow and I didnt feel like standing around for 20 minutes waiting to get back to 100% even with me killing mobs while waiting

Last night we had a nearly 50% go down to 1% while alliance got to stay at 100%.

It sucked so bad :frowning:

what causes this? it sucks super bad, I dont get why the %s can go from 99% down +10% instantly… thats why i call that zone ashenfail

Josh Greenfield did an explanation on twitter

Josh Greenfield on X: “Wanted to quote this so it bubbles up for emphasis. This is true. While overall population (active logged-in players, no created characters) is balanced, there are some definite issues with layering impacting Ashenvale. Here’s a quick explanation of what’s happening: 1/8” / X (twitter.com)

Though I wish they were given the green light to just post on the forums.

Good point.

Now, build a team out of the available players. You have 20-70 Alliance players that have been grinding it out to chose from, or 10-40 Horde who probably are still just leveling. Pretty sure whenever I did the /who option in Ashenvale, there wasn’t even a scroll bar on Horde.