Account Restrictions on AH, trading, and mail in SoD

Thinks 12 hours mandatory self-fix logout time is a lot to ask from customers on a free sunday too.

But we’ll see after they deploy a permanent fix if they’ll give anything, it impacted a lot of players after all.


I’m having the same issue. Randomly happened out of nowhere around 7pm PDT.

Can’t list on auction, can’t send mail? No issues whatsoever previously and I haven’t even touched any P3 content yet, let alone incursions…

This has only been an issue for SOD characters on Classic. My retail WOW characters have no issues whatsoever using AH or mail…

The only thing I can think of that might get flagged by an automatic system is the fact I send items when my inventory/bank space is full to a lower level alt, but this alt is on the exact same account as the sender…?? and I don’t ever send money either. It’s legit just a bunch of items I don’t currently need worth less than 1 gold…

As a first time paying WOW subscriber in their first month, who has always thought about trying WOW but was apprehensive about their subscription model, to see this happen in my first month is a huge detractor and definitely is affecting my decision to resubscribe to be honest. I don’t think even free games have this much of an issue. Even free games like Genshin give their players currency for the inconvenience of (much less often, mind you) scheduled maintenance.

Meanwhile, we’re paying for the privilege of weekly maintenance that causes more issues than they fix…

What I find strange is there also hasn’t even been any clear communication or announcement acknowledging this issue either despite it affecting a lot of people…

You do realize they can have a fix for it but they have no idea what it might break when it’s released to live servers right ?


Technically speaking, we don’t pay for “maintenance”. The fact that they know there will be maintenance (and it’s so limited compared to when WoW released), they account for it in our monthly retail fees.

That said, this game is massive and SoD is a unique beast in and of itself, so it is understandable that there may be hiccups!


“Fix applied” Why would you APPLY a fix that REQUIRES us to log out for 12 hours consecutively? it’s a brand new phase launch, people have taken time off of work to play this game and the “fix” is to not play the game for basically an entire day? We did nothing to deserve this and it’s quite literally not our fault. Why should we continue to suffer for a shortcoming by the developer?

Well, do you want it fixed or not?

If they could hot fix it, they would have.


I know at my job when I take a customers money and don’t deliver i’m expected to make it right. For them to ignore the issue and tell a customer to log off for 12 hours so they can find a fix is kinda funny. Like it feels as tho no fix has been made and they are buying themselfs time, and thats fine but just be honest about it.

How on earth is this ignoring the issue?

Do you want 50 cents?

Also - it seems it easy to ignore what game time actually covers. Sure, you’re losing playing time when realms go down - but, you still have access to the live realms, and the other classic versions. Helps to put things in perspective.

Would you rather they implement it, turn live realm access back on, only to find another issue that requires the realms to go offline, or would you rather they implement the solution and turn on the realms again when everything is stable and working - and hopefully earlier than expected?

Blizzard historically will provide game time due to extended down time but this is dealt with after the issue has been sorted - but also note - generally after 24 hour+ of downtime from an issue.


Perspective also helps a lot.

Genshin is much younger and much, much less complex than World of Warcraft. By a large margin. There’s a lot less for them to risk breaking if they don’t maintain as often as Blizzard does to keep things running as smoothly as they do.

They’re far more reliant on that kind of goodwill in these early stages.


Friend with this problem has been logged out 14hrs+ and still unable to use mail/trade/auction.

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Then report it in bug forums nothing can be done here.


Nothing can be done there either

But here the dev wont see it look at cs as a black hole for reporting bugs feedback or suggestions.

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That’s where you’re wrong. The more characters that they’re made aware of having the issue, the bigger the data pool is for them to work from. More data means they’re more likely to find that common denominator and ideally come up with a better fix than what they relayed to Orlyia to try.

Just because there isn’t a Blue presence doesn’t mean that they’re not collecting all of the data they’re getting from players reporting the issue. Bug Reports is usually one-way reporting. You’re not usually going to get any sort of response.


already 12 hours and not working

THen report it as a bug best thing to do is report it.


Hey all, and sorry for the confusion.

We currently have a restriction on new accounts playing Season of Discovery, similar to the purchase of WoW tokens.

Can’t Trade, Mail, or Use the Auction House

This means that if this is your first time adding game time on your WoW account (and if the game time was added recently), you will not be able to trade with other players, use the auction house or in-game mails.

Once this period of 30 days has ended, the restrictions will be lifted automatically. If you’re still seeing restrictions after that however, you will need to log out of your account for at least 12 hours.

Please do note that we’ve also received reports of the restrictions not being lifted automatically after waiting 12h+, and this has been forwarded to our developers.

Hope this clear things up. :pray:


Players: We demand that Blizz do more to protect the integrity of the game!!!
Blizz: Okay, we’re limiting trades and AH participation for 30 days for new accounts.
Players: We’re suing you for protecting the integrity of the game.

Seriously, good luck with that lawsuit. You might also want to re-read the EULA. We’ve always agreed to go to arbitration and can’t sue.


You need to post in classic general wjere the dev will see it.

Blizzard has a legal team and im sure they made sure everything was koshet before making this change.


we couldnt come up with any sort of verification to get around this? I mean come on, as a first time wow player, this makes me not want to resubscribe. Especially after I didnt have this issue my first 2 weeks playing the game, now im totally locked out from doing any of the high level content because I cannot buy consumables or get enchants, I guess I get to be one of the unlucky few who started at the wrong time. Thanks blizz, wont be back!