Account banned for abuse of economy

It’s a known vector that people who like to hide their RMT will have the buyer list junk for x10000 higher than nominal to anonymously trade with the gold seller on the AH.


now i can’t even play my game anymore. what is going on here.

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“Abuse of the economy” has nothing to do with the auction house. It means “crossing the streams” between WOW gold/items and real money. GDKP runs can often cause this, if someone in the run buys gold and then that ends up being traded. Everyone that touched the dirty gold can get a suspension or ban since GDKP is not a supported activity.

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I got a generic auto-response non-answer linking to the TOS on my appeal ticket.

You can keep apealing till they tell u to stop all apeals are handled 100% by a real person.


My partner has had the same thing happen around the same time! logged on this morning to find his account closed for the same reason! All he does is delves and world content solo and with myself. It makes me feel a tiny bit better knowing others are in the same situation and maybe they will all be reversed! hopefully all a mistake :frowning:

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Once again it will only be reversed if the apeal is successful.


The same thing happened to a friend and he’s absolutely devastated! He spent the day racking his brain to work out how this could have happened. I’ve never really used the forums but I thought I’d throw in another voice in hopes this post gets traction and the bans are reviewed :pray:


Not how it works.

The only way to get it reviewed is for your friend to submit an appeal ticket - details of how are in the email they would have received .


It says in the ban email “Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals”

Does this mean that appealing will do nothing?

Yeah, I’ve never hear of Blizzard overturing a ban.

If they said they won’t review it anymore, then you’ve reach the end of the line. They take appeals, but they’re going to limit themselves to how many times they’re going to review the same logs before they stop.

That was included in the initial email, as in before I even issued a first appeal.

You’ve said you’ve got an reply to your appeal ticket here, so I’m not sure where you’re getting the other statement. It does sound like you’ve reach the end of the road on your appealing, though.

I was re-reading the initial ban email to see if I missed anything.

You can appeal until they threaten your Battlenet account with penalties for Abuse of a GM.

The first appeal is usually an auto reply that says about what your ban email says. In a few days, put in another appeal if you wish. Unless they threatened your Bnet in which case you hit the limit on appeals.

That gives the Hacks team time to investigate if this happens to be some false positives. By then they may have issued further instructions to the GMs so an appeal may get an different answer. This only applies for the first week or so though. Past that the Hacks team usually knows if it was a false positive and issues instructions. Don’t spam them.


Generally, you can keep appealing until the message is that they’ll consider any further tickets harassment. Each appeal gets a new person to look at the data to re-confirm that they saw what they saw and if it broke the rules.

I’ve seen it happen! Not to give anyone false hope. But I’ve seen both one-off situations where a case got escalated and was eventually overturned, or in one big banwave incident they realized that the math was bad in their tools and it set a too-low threshold for behavior that was exploitative and a whole mess of people got their bans overturned. I’ve also seen them lower permabans to six month suspensions depending on the circumstances.

So you just never know.


Well, I’m glad to inform you that just because you’ve not heard it does not mean that it doesn’t happen. I know I had a reply sometime way back when that I’m trying to find where I had linked up a large swath of reverted sanctions - but just in trying to find it, I do have some instances to back what I’m saying. Mind you this is just a small smattering of cases, but the CS forum has time and time again seen sanctions lessened and overturned over the years.





Heck, even when large banwaves go out, if there is some instance of there being an error in that banwave - Blizzard themselves have admitted that there was a hiccup with the data given over and that there would be reverted bans/lessened sentences and the like.


So just because you have never heard it, does not mean that it doesn’t happen.