WOTLK Classic Economy Abuse Ban

Hi everyone, my account yesterday (Nov 1st) was much to my absolute surprise suspended for 14 days. I couldn’t even wrap my head around what it was for. So when opening my email, it was stated I’ve aquired gold thru illicit means? I’ve never ever once bought gold, botted, or participated in any sort of real-money transaction. None. Everything I’ve done in this game has always been fully by clean means and i’ve made myself sure on that. For going on 15 years now. This is an AWFUL mistake.

I’ve submitted an appeal for this, but it’s worrying that at the bottom of the email it states “appeals may not even be looked at, or overturned.” The one thing I can only think to’ve even happened up in this mess is I participate in GDKPs on 2 alts, and I’ve never been traded gold in this game except for directly after a GDKP raid is over. The only time I’ve even MAILED gold is to my alts once a character has reacheed gold cap, and those alts are all on my own account. Other than that, the only time I myself have even given gold out is to a guildmate to a tune of 30k.

15 years of playing this I have never bought gold, done any illicit activity of those means, and especially stayed away from that even a possibility so none of these things such as this false suspension could happen. I don’t even know how such a beloved company could have this falsely happen to a customer. Ontop of the 14 days, it’s also completely worrisome that ANY amount of the gold that I’ve 100% earned myself in this game (365 days /played time) could be taken or erased as well.

I’m posting this wondering if it’s also happened to anyone else and in hopes of Customer Support can see it with their own eyes and have this false suspsension overturned. Thanks for your time

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There have been a few threads. Scroll around.

That said, other than confirming that there is a banwave going on right now, your thread will not accomplish anything. The few Blizzard employees on the forum have literally no involvement in the discipline and appeal process. They’re literally prohibited from it. So the only place you can appeal is the way you have – an appeal ticket. And the only evidence used will be Blizzard’s internal logs. No testimony or explanation wil be solicited or accepted.

The main “advantage” of an appeal is that a different GM than the one who imposed the discipline will examine the evidence. So fresh eyes and perhaps a different perspective.


Gonna be frank, everything said here will fall on deaf ears as no one here has no impact on ban appeals. Everything is done through tickets and the folks who handle them don’t take anything other then request to review it again.


I see you have an appeal open, and this has already been overturned on review. Have you tried to log in?


Orlyia, yes I have tried now logging in after seeing this and it has been overturned it seems like. Only issue now is having to reactivate my game time. Thank you for the quick response! Pleasant day to you


I’m glad your case was overturned, but please let this be a lesson to you. Know who you’re running with and where the gold is coming from. There have been several of these cases now where people have been sanctioned due to gold they received from GDKPs being illegal or tainted gold. While you were one of the lucky ones with the quick turnaround, other people only got their ban turned into suspensions - if they were lucky in getting a reduction at all. Just because you didn’t directly purchase illegal gold does not mean that you won’t get caught with dirty hands due to someone else’s bad acts. Seen that be the case even before this latest wave of account sanctions that has sent everyone running here.

I do wish you good luck going forward.


I am also in the same boat as Oddkjob, I have never bought gold and have never acquired gold through any illicit means. I have participated in GDKPs sporadically just to pay for the stuff i need to keep up with progression.

Orlyia has no part in the investigations and appeals process. There are no GMs on this forum. Orlyia and any other Blue you see posting are SFAs. Unfortunately trying to appeal to her does nothing. You can only wait on any appeals and investigations through tickets. That’s it.


Ahh okay, thank you for letting me know. I’m just trying to hit up any possibilities i can because I’m just kinda blown about the likelihood of losing my main raid spot because I’ll be gone for 2 weeks lol.

All you can do is appeal, and appeal again until they warn you that no more appeals will be accepted.

Just like has been stated over and over in all of these many threads - just because you didn’t buy illegal gold directly, doesn’t not negate that you received it. Your hands have been dirtied by accepting someone else’s illegal gold, if you’re in the same place as OP and all these others. People absolutely do get sanctioned for it, depending on the circumstances and history. It’s why you need to be very wary of who you run with, whether you’re running a GDKP for the gold or you’re buying a run. Every run is a risk and you do it at your own peril.

I do wish you luck with your appeals. We have seen several people get their bans reduced to suspensions or less, but each case is different and you’re not guaranteed how your own appeal will turn out. Still, all the best to you going forward.