Account banned for abuse of economy

Not having a question mark makes it seem like you are making a statement about my actions and not a direction question. The answer would be no, I was doing higher end delves for loot and not for reagents.

Actually nevermind, I’m just frustrated right now and not thinking clearly. I’m skimming your posts without reading it through, sorry.

Did you do the “complete 3 Delves” quest from Brann more than once on a character? Dunno if it still is but I know it was bugged (probably?) for a few days and folks could do it more than once.

But yeah, just keep appealing until they say no more will be looked at. That’s really all you can do at the moment.

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I noticed that I was able to pick it up a 2nd time on my main after I thought I had turned it in but I never even went back and finished it. It’s sitting at 1/3 quest completion. I’m not even 100% certain if I turned it in once and was able to pick it up a 2nd time but I know even if that were the case, I just never got around to finishing it on that particular character because I’ve been busy with the alt rotation.

I only did it on two characters, was working on it on other characters… I got the exact same message as the OP at the same time. Something is amiss. I barely use the economy; only sell random items I get from questing.

The category given in the email you received is used for RMT and related offenses. Usually something involving real money for in-game goods or services in some way. GDKP runs on SOD fall under that for example too.

That is certainly concerning! That is all I do too.

False positives are rare, but they DO happen. Usually it takes a bit, but the Hacks team realizes that the detection criteria was off, runs the data again, and unbans those who were hit by a false positive. They send an email removing the penalty, apologizing, and usually offering game time as compensation for lost time.

Part of that process of getting the Hacks team to double check detection criteria is appeals. So please DO appeal, politely. The initial response from a GM may be to just check that yes, the account was flagged and send a template, but you can re-open it. You can appeal until they threaten your battlenet account if you send any more correspondence over that particular issue.


I mentioned that I don’t carry or be carried in any form, at least not since legion was the last time I engaged in any boosting and I can’t imagine they are hitting me with accepting gold from someone who did RMT from that long ago.

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No, there would be nothing from Legion! Whatever it is would be in the past month or so somewhere. Investigations for anti-cheat can take a while, but not THAT long!


Yeah, I’ve known people who get suspended for being downwind of RMT but not actually engaging with it themselves personally. I have just not had the time to engage with any carry groups, or even been personally wanting to engage with it. I literally just fill patron orders, open the satchels and toss whatever I have on the AH or I pick up crafting requests listed in trade chat. The closest thing to accepting gold since this xpac launched was some guy didn’t want to relist his work order after I told him I wasn’t using concentration for a no-tip work order, but even that was a measly 5k gold. Which I don’t believe could possibly be in perma-ban territory even if that gold had been bought illegally.

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same here. i did nothing wrong. they ban me no reason.


Since a lot of people are getting caught up in a ban wave specifically for “abuse of economy” and RMT, I hope they take the time to review the criteria that led to the suspensions. I do use the auction house, farm in the open world, and use shadowlands mission tables, but my gold is spent on game time and blizzard balance for my own accounts.


The only exchange of gold I’ve done, at all, is buying Beledar’s Spawn off someone after weeks of not getting it to drop. My understanding is this was allowed though.


My Disable husband just got banned after 15 years of playing wow. Wow distract my husband from his disablility. He never took any money but had fun making gold. I am so upset


same here. i was doing my quest. now they put the stupid ban. they wrongfully misjudged me. i went back doing my other things.


Hmmm, there was an issue where the weekly delve quest was popping back up for people who had already done and turned it in. This could be linked to that. It didn’t pop back up for me, but it did for many others.

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An issue with a quest or game mechanic that is bugged is not under the “abuse of the economy” category. Exploiting a bug for gain falls under just that - third party software and exploits. The broad cheating category.

Abuse of the economy is a specific category, just like social penalties are their own category.

Not that they might not have gotten the category wrong in the notifications, but Abuse of the Economy would not be the outcome of exploiting a bug related to a quest. Esp not one that is accidental and not abused on purpose.

I suspect I have the quest on more than one alt, I have not finished or turned it on any yet though. I doubt that is what resulted in the account closures discussed in this specific thread.


If there were some kind of mass ban wave regarding tinderboxes, then they should post details similar to the reputation exploit. I just have a hard time believing it is an ‘economic exploit’ relevant to some form of unsupported reagent farming technique (that I didn’t engage with even if it were) if they explicitly mention RMT as being part of the ban. I know people will claim I’m lying but I have never engaged in any form of RMT. I value my account too much, I even hard quit carries post-legion after watching a guildmate catch RMT stray bans. I have several discontinued mounts and server first achievements to ever risk it, even when I see some kind of thing I personally view as maybe being an exploit, I try to keep room between me and it until it has been in the game long enough to be normalized. I knew of the infinite mining profession knowledge the first week of TWW and made sure not to mine, I made sure not to be logged in twice doing AK weekly quests when I heard of the Paragon reputation exploit. I genuinely think I caught some kind of false positive AI bot ban.

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You didn’t because it doesn’t exist.


Well aware, been an active forum regular here since 2010.

I never did. You posting rubbish about AI bot bans however, could be.

How about just keep appealing until you’re told no more appeals.

As others have stated, a forum SFA might be able to shed a little more light when they’re on duty and if they have time.

Also note, this forum is a player help player forum - not a customer service avenue.


They’re not trolling, Blizzard doesn’t use AI, insight of what you hear in other places.


I certainly understand your concern and a ton of things in life do rely on automation of tasking. Computers can be real time savers!

Blizzard is not, to my knowledge, using AI though. Not as AI is defined - a learning responsive entity.

They do have anti-cheat software though publicly called Warden. Just like antivirus software, or other game anti-cheat software, it is programmed to look for certain software signatures or behaviors. The Hacks team investigates cheating behaviors, updates their cheat detection, runs that cheat detection. They then do whatever initial validation by hand to ensure at least the sampled accounts “caught” actually DO meet the cheating criteria. If so, they can release the ban wave.

Most of the time it is correct, but there are times that the detection criteria sweep up a bit more than the target software or behaviors. That is when the Hacks team has to go back through and really investigate - then revise and re-scan. There are sometimes fringe cases that may look fishy, but are not at all.

Be sure to put in your appeal politely, and appeal again if you get denied. Wait a day or two between appeals even. You don’t want to spam them and you want Hacks to have time to do a broader dive into it.

Also keep in mind the CS team uses templates to reply to appeals. There are generally 3:

  • Action upheld (often the first one you get because the account is flagged from what CS can see).
  • Action escalated to a specialist for review. Hacks reviews it to ensure it really is correct.
  • Action overturned with an apology and often game time.
  • The last is a sort of grey one - action not overturned, but penalty reduced from perma to suspension. Sometimes they re-think the consequences based on whatever criteria they are told to use. Sometimes, mercy is given and it is reduced to a suspension.