Welcome to the Assembly of Three Hammers, a proud dwarven RP community project (not guild) designed to bring life and depth to dwarven RP since 2019!
The Assembly of Three Hammers, also known as the Dwarven Senate, is a ruling body put forth by the citizens of Khaz Modan and the allied Frost Dwarves. Although the sovereign nations of Khaz Modan — Ironforge, Thaurissan, and the Aerie — each retain their respective leaders and senates (under the executive Council of Three Hammers), it is the Assembly of the Three Hammers that is charged as the unified legislative body that oversees the affairs of all of Khaz Modan.
Our community offers those with an interest in a more dwarf-centric political system a place to conduct business and debate. The main goal of the Assembly, however, is to provide ease of access to political RP with those who wish to work with and around dwarves, as well as a place to coordinate dwarven activities and events. It is important to note that we are an independent community project, and although we affiliate with other projects on Moon Guard, such as the SLP, we are not beholden to their laws.
Likewise, our project will never force any guild or organization to act a certain way. The Assembly is a special place for the guilded and the guildless alike to come together and have the opportunity to engage with one another. However, although guilds or organizations retain their independence, each individual is still required to abide by the straightforward rules of the project.
Special Interests and Political Intrigue!
In the Assembly of Three Hammers, every dwarf is encouraged to assume a certain interest. Whether your character is, for example, an elected Senator of Dun Morogh, or a noble Thane seeking to expand their clan’s influence, he or she will have a purpose to serve! Whether these ulterior motives are the makings of a benevolent leader or a crooked politician, is entirely up to you. But do be warned! We’ve beheaded a few dastardly Senators and Thanes before. . .
Petition Your Government! Let Your Voice be Heard!
Every citizen of Khaz Modan (and indeed, some foreigners) — by rich or poor, by noble or common — are afforded a voice with which they may petition their government. These petitions may take form as legislation that is passed by majority vote, or a request for aid that can be acted upon by each individual Senator or Thane at their own discretion.
Want to request aid for an invasion of troggs on your farmland? You can do that! Want to arrange a trade deal between our government and your private business? You can also do that! When it comes to what petition you can propose, only your imagination is the limit! (Although whether or not it will be passed or taken seriously is another matter.)
Represent the People! Vote on Legislation!
If you are a Thane (entitled by noble birth) or a Senator (duly elected by vote or appointed by military status), you are afforded not only a voice but also a vote! As leaders and representatives of Khaz Modan, our votes may go on to have a meaningful impact on the culture and current events of RP on the server.
We are fairly lenient when it comes to granting a given character a role as a Senator or a Thane. Just fill out an application that briefly details your character’s backstory and the IC reason your character was elected as a Senator or appointed as a Thane and we will review it as soon as possible. We want as many voices as possible during the rancorous debates in the Senate, so if your character has any sort of political acumen, we strongly encourage you to apply!
Network With Other Dwarven RP’ers! Engage With the Community!
As previously mentioned, the primary goal of the Assembly is to provide ease of access to political RP with those who wish to work with and around dwarves, as well as a place to coordinate dwarven activities and events. Whether they be internal plotlines, or coordination with our lovely affiliate community projects, there is no shortage of RP to engage in!
As our Discord community grows larger by the day, we continue to boast a fun, friendly, and laid-back environment in which all are welcome! Whether you want to discuss dwarven lore, or even need help fleshing out a character, there are avenues in which we’re prepared to assist!
Interested? Please contact any of the following Moderators for any questions!
In-Game Names & Discord Tags:
Thulmane (Thulmane#7016)
Dunidwain (Duni#6127)
Theodrock (Laskard#1301)
Grundmir (Dabomba101#0961)
Dedicated Discord Code: