[A-RP] The Assembly of Three Hammers (Dwarven Senate)

I’ll have to look you guys up, just got back into things and always can use more Dwarfs!


Session tonight!

Another session this week! Make sure to come on down!

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Good to see more dwarf communities on MG!

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Next session is tomorrow (8/21/22)!

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Session tonight! Join our Discord and come check us out!

Cracks the gavel down Hail t’ ye all! I am the fifth speaker o’ the Assembly of Three Hammers, Thane Zulatobari Maltor Greatforge. I be here tae remind ye lot that the Assembly o’ Three Hammers is still around and kickin’, and tae jump in that Discord if yer interested!

And if ye need someone tae talk t’ about it, ye can include meself on that list. In-game and Discord, ye can get ahold o’ me as either…

Greatforge (Ingame) / Wildhunt#9675 (Discord)

Next session is on Thursday!

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Hail, is the Assmebly still active?

Unfortunately, after DL launch, there hasn’t been much activity or even response from any of the members. The guild was never formed, and Clan Thulmane is now collecting dust. An example of a guild that only existed for a brief moment but like so many others, faded.

I expect a possible revival only when TWW launches and everyone switches to their dwarven characters to stand out and be one of the cool players, the typical wow facade.

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