[A-H-RP-PvP] The Scarlet Reclamation - THE OLD CRUSADE


Scarlet Paramilitary (Military + Navy / Holy / Town / Social) themed RP


COMMUNITY LINK = https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/4DOyDYMioAg?region=US&faction=Alliance if you want to join our community where ALL SCARLET RECLAMATIONS FROM ALL SERVERS HAVE CROSS SERVER, CROSS FACTION RP!

“At our finest, we have always been the salt of the earth, rising up to take back our homes from the filth of the Scourge corruption, to return our Lordaeron to its former glory. To a time before the Scourge. Before Arthas and regicide… before the Lich King.” - Abbendis’s Diary

Guided by the Grand Crusader’s vision, the Scarlet Reclamation became a beacon of hope for a realm scarred by darkness. Their rigorous training, honed combat skills, and mastery over exorcism techniques made them formidable opponents against the infernal forces that plagued the land. They erected strongholds, trained new recruits, and ventured into the darkest corners of the realm to root out the remnants of the Cult of the Damned and any other malignant threat.

Led by their Grand Crusader, a figure shrouded in crimson plate armor and bearing the symbol of a Scarlet Flame, the order’s members see themselves as the last line of defense against the encroaching darkness. Their belief is that demons and the undead are a blight upon the world, a corruption that must be purged at all costs.

With fervent devotion to their cause, the Scarlet Reclamation has taken upon themselves the duty to seek out and confront demonic and undead entities wherever they may manifest. They are known for their formidable skills in demon exorcism, wielding holy artifacts and incantations passed down through generations. Armed with blessed weapons and imbued with divine magic, they strike fear into the hearts of their supernatural adversaries.

The order’s headquarters is the Scarlet Monastery, situated upon the north of Tirisfal Glades. The monastery’s spires reach towards the heavens, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that plagues the land. Within its hallowed halls, the knights of the Crusade undergo rigorous training, honing their combat skills and mastering the art of exorcism.

However, their zealous determination has also led to controversy. Some view the order as extremist, willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goals, even if it means crossing ethical boundaries. The Crusade has been known to clash with other factions, including those who believe in a more diplomatic approach to combating infernal forces.

Despite the criticisms, the order remains steadfast in their mission. They have a strong presence in regions ravaged by demonic taint, establishing bases and strongholds to protect the innocent. The sight of their crimson banners fluttering in the wind is a sign of salvation for those in need, a promise that the infernal forces will be vanquished.

THE SCARLET RECLAMATION is a guild concept created by Kormed (Moon Guard - US), and since our origins as the City-State of Alterac on March 12, 2013, we have been dedicated to the concept of bringing steady roleplay to our members and on an In Character level, bringing back order and the culture of the Scarlet peoples that were scattered following the destruction of it! Our goal became that of creating a functioning Scarlet RP community, and over the 13 years we’ve existed, we learned to almost perfect our craft and quality of our concept. Embellished now with the current lore, we have had huge changes for our guild and its concept. We will now be even more lore abiding than we were from 2016 and onwards and hope to provide a quality driven and immersive roleplay experience about the Scarlet Crusade’s last vestiges and how our beleaguered characters will overcome insurmountable odds in an effort to develop and otherwise build our characters.

Links of interest:

Scarlet Crusade = Last True Silver Hand: Scarlets = the Last True Silver Hand & Silver Hand Now Are Heretics!

The Scarlet Crusader’s Almanac: The Scarlet Crusader's Almanac - #12 by Kormed-moon-guard

A Scarlet Crusade upon Gilneas: A (Scarlet) Crusade Upon Gilneas

The Scarlet Compendium (Who Scarlets Are in Lore): The Scarlet Compendium - Greatest Resource of All Time

[Alliance | Lawful Evil/Villain RP] The Scarlet Chapter of Stormwind | A Call To Arms! (Th Scarlet Chapter of Stormwind)

tinyurl .com/ScarletScripture (remove the space)


WEBPAGE: tinyurl. com/ScarletReclamationInfo remove the space; Google Doc about us)

Guild OOC Application to join: no application for now IC-OOC interviews instead.

IC DOCUMENT: As you’re wondering through the Northlands or somewhere in Stormwind, you come upon a peculiar parchment posted with Scarlet propaganda clearly visible… if you decide to read it, it says ((with in lore citations added with brackets ):


“If you do not shy from righteous slaughter, then perhaps your path lies with us...” Brother Anton


> Table of Contents


> II. IC/OOC information and Joining

> III. Active Story Overview

> IV. Scarlet Lore, Stories, and Documents

> V. Scarlet Info Tabs

> VI. Scarlet Miscellaneous Info


Recruitment Status: OPEN and actively recruiting!

> ▬ An old (founded on 3/12/2013 as the City State of Alterac and 11/04/2012 as the Scarlet Hand), server notorious, constantly growing and logical Scarlet guild that has proud and rich roots as the first (successful) Alterac guild on MG that most Alterac guilds trace their roots to (the City State of Alterac). Since 2012 (with the Scarlet Hand’s founding,) we have been striving to perfect our quality of roleplay and provide a homely atmosphere where everyone is welcomed - rather that roleplay is Scarlet as it is now, or Alterac as we did before.

> ▬ Emphasis on Scarlet/Northlands cultural, heavy Scarlet and medieval lifestyle roleplay, character progression, skirmishes, RP-PvP against the Horde, and simple characters with humble beginnings hungry for character development and a friendly community.

> ▬ ‘Paramilitary’ RP with emphasis on creating/observing Northlander culture and traditions, as well as a mixture of Scarlet warfare, training our forces against the Forsaken threat, helping our fellow humans and subhuman allies combat the Horde, as well as settling down, developing a town with shops, trading wagons, politics, scouting expeditions, pilgrimages, character progression, immersive guild events, and a plethora not listed… because the limits are infinite! We welcome and cater to helping you bring your ideas for your character to life.

> ▬ ‘Continuation of the Silver Hand’ Our characters take pride in being the last true contiuation of the Silver Hand. What do you mean, Kormed? In quest: Annals of the Silver Hand, it says “Do you know who the Knights of the Silver Hand were? They were the original paladins of the Light, and from their ranks came knights who would later join the Argent Dawn or the Scarlet Crusade.” Saidan Dathrohan was one of the first Five Silver Hand along with Gavinrad, Uther, Turalyon, and Tirion. Out of all of these fellows, Tirion was excommunicated by Uther and during Uther’s lifetime was NEVER REINSTATED IN THE SILVER HAND but in quest: In Dreams he says “the death of my son at the hands of these monsters will not pass without incident. Take solace in knowing that the Order is reborn. I now take my place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver Hand.” Saidan Dathrohan, possessed by a Nathrezim or not, was Lord Commander of the Silver Hand and second in command to Uther and Tirion’s superior (Of Blood and Honor Book). So there’s no way a heretic of the Silver Hand could have reformed the Silver Hand. Thus, unless Turalyon remade the Silver Hand, the only true continuation of the Silver Hand was Saidan Dathrohan and the Scarlet Crusade. The future Scarlet Crusade (Saidan Dathrohan, Fairbanks, Isillen, High General Abbendis, Arcanist Doan) also forged the Ashbringer which Tirion wielded to DEFEAT THE WHOLE LEGION AT BROKEN SHORE and is the most powerful Paladin artifact of all time. So the Silver Hand are wielding a heretical blade of an order that supposedly isn’t devout in the Holy Light which is completely contradictory to their foundations. In the Scarlet Monastery there are a healthy mixture of Dwarves, Quel’dorei, and Humans of all the human kingdoms and thus while the Scarlet Crusade is not endorsed by the Church of the Holy Light, and yes, you could argue they are zealous, they are still the only true continuation of the Silver Hand as it was originally intended to be in Warcraft 2-3 days.
““Esarus thar no’Darador—By Blood and Honor We Serve.”” - Silver Hand Quote

> ▬ A unique Scarlet Crusade faction because we adhere to canon lore by Blizzard canon and RPG inspiration and strive to prove we are different than any other Scarlet guild before or after us.


Basic Information

GUILD NAME: The Scarlet Reclamation

GUILD LEADER: Grand Crusader Kormed Wolfheart

UNOFFICIAL MOTTO: *“Have you not felt it when you fight the Scourge? Have you not thought of your fallen brethren and been filled with holy wrath? Wouldn’t any man react with righteous fury to an evil that threatened his loved ones? We fight hardest to protect what we love the most.” * - Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan

FACTION: Alliance, Scarlet Renegades & Scarlet Crusade (this means we are friendly to the Alliance and backed by the Alliance unlike more Scarlet factions)

RP: Heavy

PVP: Casual; occasional RP-PvP will happen

PVE: Casual, working on getting ready for BFA content


GUILD MASTER: Kormed (Grand Crusader of the Scarlets)


OFFICERS: searching for more!

JUNIOR OFFICERS: actively searching!

NPC OFFICERS: Quartermaster Newlem, Crusader Alrick (Scarlet Champion), Huntsman Scorborgh, Inquisitor Fairbell (all survivors of the Forsaken retaliation on the Scarlets for besieging Capital City from Fenris Isle); formerly Scarlet Commander Forsythe but was KIA against Lillian Voss in Fenris Keep.

Discord = scarletgrandcrusader
Btag = Kormedism#2645


  • For those reading the Active Story Overview, it lists major events we’ve had within our Acts, which are essentially major chapters of the guild. When these events are completed, they get a ✓ mark. If they are failed, they get an X mark.

    IV. Reclamation Info & Miscellaneous Tabs:

    ”Too long have those monsters polluted the hallowed lands of our people. No more. Today, we will reclaim what is ours and purge the stain of the unliving from the world. " - Scarlet Commander Forsythe

    Crusader’s Newsletter

    We are recruiting on ALL servers! Wyrmrest Accord, Moon Guard, Blackwater Raiders/Shadow Council, Cenarion Circle, Emerald Dream, and more!

    Did you know…

    - . . . that the Scarlet Reclamation is on EVERY server that does roleplay but our home is Moon Guard?

    - . . . that the Scarlet Reclamation is a unique Scarlet holy military guild that welcomes Humans, Quel’dorei, Blood Elves (Horde side), Dwarves, Worgen, and Scarlet sympathizers?
    - . . . that our roots began in 2012 with the Scarlet Hand & 2013 with the City-State of Alterac?
    - . . . that we welcome ALL nationalities of humans and Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei?
    - . . . that any classes, even warlocks who can hide their aura (no demonologists or blatantly summoning Dreadlords) or secret villain characters are accepted?
    - . . . that we’re looking for potential officers and active, dedicated roleplayers?

    That’s a lot of words and not a lot of them interest me, good luck with your… -checks notes- …mega-server-Scarlet-guild?


    If you are in every server that Roleplays, how do you reconcile RP from one server to another?

    If you treat each server independently, how are you able to run each one consistently?

    Given the new changes to the game and the lesser state that the Scarlets are in, wouldn’t it be better if the Scarlet Reclamation was built on newer principles to stand out better from the in-game version?


    The Forsaken are my friends and I will defend them from any Scarlets.

    OP - are you still the Ruler of Alterac?


    I’m actually a big fan of the Scarlet Crusade as a concept, but my feedback to this post would be to suggest that the concept of a crossfaction Scarlet guild open to pretty much anyone actually kind of waters down the concept to the point that it might as well be an Argent Crusade guild, given the Argent Dawn’s own Scarlet origin story.





    I feel like this has potential to be our next forum drama thread.

    “City State of Alterac”?

    “we are cross faction because we let in Blood Elves/Quel’dorei since they can have blue eyes now.”



    Mate, I try not to knock on other peoples’ RP, but this … Scarlets have a bad rap on this server, some of it undeserved, but a lot of it deeply ingrained in folks. We had people trying to use the Scarlet name for everything from forcing non-Humans out of Stormwind, harassing RPers at events in ‘Human’ territories and a bunch of other stuff that can’t be discussed on a Good Christian Forum :tm:.

    This is gonna be an uphill battle for you.

    Also the last mega-Guild that claimed to be across all RP Realms ended up being a pyramid scheme and grooming service for the officers, some sort of name stolen from the Starcraft Universe? It did not end well for them and I think the rats ate each other before they could abandon that sinking ship. Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord also have vastly different approaches to RP. Moonguard has server canon, Wyrmrest Accord adamantly smites that down every time somebody tries to create it. Guilds stand alone or have inter-connected storylines. We have the Year of the Scourge RP event that spanned quite a bit of Shadowlands for folks who didn’t want anything to do with that hot mess, and I believe the players involved are now off exploring the Dragon Isles?

    A Guild where the officer-base is split across multiple realms with different cultures and different needs is going to require a heinous amount of dedication, investment and communication.


    I would like to be on the record to state we’re just trying to have an enjoyable, lore abiding atmosphere. The Scarlet Crusade in the Ashbringer comics were formed by humans only, yes, but Balnazzar’s corruption is what made Renault tell Maxwell that it was the “Scarlet’s Light given duty” to be human only. However despite these xenophobic views which Abbendis’s dad backed and Saidan Dathrohan did because he was already possessed, there are statues of Quel’dorei (Swiftarrow the Ranger Captain), Dognar Stoenbrow (the Mountain King of the Red Caverns which assumably was under Scarlet domain), and Blood Mage Thalnos was a Crusader and Blood Magi can only be Blood elves. The Scarlet Brotherhood also said to ally the Worgen and once we take back Lordaeron for the humans only we would turn on them and wipe them out after the Forsaken are wiped out. But our characters came together for storyline purposes and decided Worgen are our long term friends, that’s why we’re not going to fight in Gilneas in January because Scarlets will be there because we don’t want to wipe out our fellow humans just because they’re afflicted. So like I said, very lore abiding. Balnazzar’s corruption is gone that is evident by Joseph the Awakened (went Insane). And the Crimson Pilgrims were accepted of the Onslaught who got tired of the zealots so as you can imagine any Scarlet Onslaught/Crusader who throws off their zealous shackles are welcomed allies of the Alliance.

    Yes while I do agree with that we had a great time at the Scarlet Monastery roleplaying last night and we had Blood Elves from WRA because on the Alliance for Moon Guard our RP for the Alliance is like how y’all do it for the Horde. So wanted to state that all the guild’s storyline is correlated because we’re all the same guild. And I think the low populated servers will really have a great chance to give people some purpose. Emerald Dream still has a high population but on all of these servers we’re at now you just don’t see RP out in Stormwind like you do on Moon Guard so I want to take advantage of that and offer people an RP opportunity to RP outside of Stormwind with a group/guild that has like I said been around since 3/11/2013 and I was only 12 years old when I formed the guild I am now 23 so that is quite literally half my life being a GM so I do have great experience!

    This is not an umbrella to manipulate or backstab people and our longevity as a guild will speak to that. If you talked to members on our Moon Guard server you would hear them talk about how they enjoy my storyline I come up with, how I DM events, and how I’ve given people the most enjoyable RP experiences of their whole lives. I’m not saying this to brag but just to let you know that we have a very immersive, character progressing, lore abiding experience where your character may start off as an Initiate but becomes a Scarlet Crusade or a Squire of wielding the Light that becomes a paladin who is initiated into the Scarlet Crusade’s ranks the same way Tirion got initiated into the Silver Hand (Of Blood and Honor). So everything we do is lore abiding and not headcanon. We’re not, say, some Scarlet Kingdom or Empire or anything that Scarlets wouldn’t be at this point. Without Balnazzar’s corruption, and knowing in Cata that Balnazzar was corrupted, a lot of us ICly would have figured out and woken up and realized and said, “hey, we have been doing this human only thing for awhile and getting destroyed so how about let’s MIX it up a bit?” Worgen also can’t get the plague for example so they’d make great allies/Scarlets.

    And no @Norman I am not the Ruler of Alterac. That was a title that Aiden Perenolde had but my character assumed because he was voted in by the last nobility to be a Regent-Lord in the absence of Isiden Perenolde who was taken into Gilneas during Tides of Darkness book and never saw again. But like I said, since 2016 we’ve been doing a lot more canon RP and although that is backed up in lore (Prestor almost because the Ruler of Alterac), we did away with fancy titles like that and went to our humble roots that Kormed has as the Duke of Wolfrun, his duchy in Alterac that we proxy as New Hearthglen for example because it is Scarlet now.

    And being cross server and cross faction only means that we accept Blood Elves. The Argent Crusade accepts Orcs, not to mention any Horde races like Forsaken, which my Alteraci character Kormed would despise; orc loving and letting them through Alterac’s mountain passes got Alterac occupied by Lordaeron and he grew up without a unified Kingdom of Alterac. Letting in Quel’dorei/Sin’dorei Horde side does not defeat the purpose of the Scarlet Crusade’s mission in my opinion because like I said their statues are in the Scarlet Monastery as well as Blood Mage Thalnos = Blood Elf.

    @Noslefatu We are all under the same umbrella now so that’s how we run them at the same time. We have a community (the link that’s in the forum post where we are all at and communicate for when it’s time to do events); Emerald Dream, Wyrmrest Accord, Moon Guard, Cenarion Circle, and so on and so forth. And that’s why we are building the Crusade on new, better principles like allowing Humans and Worgen and Elves and Dwarves the way the Silver Hand of Old traditionally did. I also think this is a new idea being pioneered because come the next xpac we will all be able to recruit members across servers and we will be the forerunner for that already as we will, of course, already have Scarlet Reclamation guilds on all the RP servers and get them into our central one in Moon Guard. We can already emote to each other Alliance and Horde who are in the same raid party and doing that yesterday with 35 RPers at the Monastery from Wyrmrest, Emerald Dream, Cenarion Circle, and Moon Guard was a blast!

    Thank you though Thomasbates, I heard you’re a cool guy that walks around Duskwood my friend was just telling me about I think your character concept is really cool and how WRA does RP in Duskwood instead of Stormwind. <3

    Hi Kormed,

    1.) In building a guild of the Scarlet Crusade (of which I found there are many on MG), I’ve noticed your guild has a death knight, a few demon hunters, and a number of warlocks. I am not familiar with your ranking system, but does this not go against the Crusade’s methods?

    2.) Speaking of methods, you make an IC document in your original guild post on the MG forum:

    And I noticed you’ve a plethora (not all, mind) of races in your guild despite citing Dathrohan and his extremist views, but also work the Brotherhood’s stance on allowing Worgen in your midst.

    So my question is: Are you following the traditional Crusade, allowing high elves and dwarves, the Brotherhood which advocates the use of Worgen, or Dathrohan and human supremacy?

    Side question that bears no importance: But no love for Blood Mage Thalnos? Guy was human.

    Get back to me when you can.
    Thokk Sharpfang
    Member of the RP Council (which doesn’t exist)

    kinda seems like theyre doing their own thing with established concepts?

    Death knight is ICly an arcane infused player who is Homelander and not actually a DK. Warlocks are Wrathcasters or Dalamere who is an IC pyromancer so is the other warlock you’re talking about we don’t have any actual demon casting ICly I’m a warlock type characters.

    Demon hunters are OOC for achievements and raiding and PVP our last rank in the guild is an OOC rank for alts, newcomers, and raiders or pvpers but doesn’t necessarily represent us IFly.

    Like I said though we were with the Scarlet Brotherhood who had us in Gilneas but splitered off because we chose to have the non humans and Worgen in our ranks rather than to wipe them out after it’s convenient and they took Lordaeron back with us.

    And I cited Dathrohon for why the Crusade was manipulated not that we follow his teachings. His quote though I used to induce a feeling for how we might feel as Crusaders he said that to Sir Thomas who would become the Headless Horseman.

    The brotherhood is our IC reason we have Worgen but chose the Worgen over them in our recent storyline along with the Quel’dorei and Dwarves because they are only humans who will be the Scarlets in Gilneas and wouldn’t appreciate or accept us and our non-humans.

    @mordekeiser that’s definitely correct! We are trying to be accurate portrayals of the Scarlets post-Nathrezim.

    @everyone thank y’all for engaging me and asking these questions y’all are an awesome and inclusive community over here at WRA and y’all are much cooler and kinder on the forums than Moon Guard or anywhere else <3 if y’all have anymore comments or questions or concerns let’s keep the conversation going and I’ll keep putting on my lore cap to explain!

    @Thokk I forgot I wrote that Saidan Dathrohon and martyring ourselves because I wrote this forum back in 2018 when we only let Humans in and it slipped through the cracks so I gotta edit that when I get back home and take that out because that doesn’t reflect us now.

    @Throkk part 2: took that out of the forum.

    Inspired by his Grand Crusader’s zeal, the Grand Inquisitor penned the following sermons for the flock:

    Sermon 1: “The Undying Purity”

    Brothers and sisters of the Scarlet Crusade, hear my words as we stand united against the blight that threatens our beloved Lordaeron. We are the chosen, the devout, forged in the crucible of the Third War when the ashes of our fallen kingdom cried out for redemption.

    In those dark days, our founders met in Southshore, purifying a crystal into the holy Ashbringer—the beacon of our righteous cause. Led by the valorous Highlord Alexandros Mograine, we traversed the haunted lands, striking fear into the undead. But even in our triumphs, deception lurked in our midst.

    The treacherous dreadlord Balnazzar infiltrated our ranks, manipulating us for his malevolent ends. Betrayals ensued, and even the mighty Ashbringer fell from grace. Yet, in the face of adversity, we emerged as the Scarlet Crusade, unyielding in our mission to cleanse Lordaeron of the Scourge.

    Brothers and sisters of the Scarlet Crusade, hear my words as we stand united against the blight that threatens our beloved Lordaeron. We are the chosen, the devout, forged in the crucible of the Third War when the ashes of our fallen kingdom cried out for redemption.

    In those dark days, our founders met in Southshore, purifying a crystal into the holy Ashbringer—the beacon of our righteous cause. Led by the valorous Highlord Alexandros Mograine, we traversed the haunted lands, striking fear into the undead. But even in our triumphs, deception lurked in our midst.

    The treacherous dreadlord Balnazzar infiltrated our ranks, manipulating us for his malevolent ends. Betrayals ensued, and even the mighty Ashbringer fell from grace. Yet, in the face of adversity, we emerged as the Scarlet Crusade, unyielding in our mission to cleanse Lordaeron of the Scourge.

    Sermon 2: “From Unity to Division”

    Beloved brethren, let us reflect upon the origins of the Scarlet Crusade, a union born from the ashes of the Silver Hand. In its inception, it welcomed diverse members from all corners of the Alliance, united against the common foe. High elves, dwarves, and humans stood shoulder to shoulder, facing the encroaching darkness.

    Yet, as the Crusade unfolded its chapters, a bitter transformation transpired. The once-inclusive order turned inward, casting distrust upon those they once called kin. Races other than humans were deemed unclean, and dangerous trials awaited those seeking to join their zealous ranks. The bonds of unity shattered, replaced by an insidious intolerance that festered within.


    sips tea as they watch the whole scenario

    Are the human barbarians rebirthing their religious movement to lay claim to territory already occupied by a sentient group with legal claim over it?


    Interesting, please tell me more about the disrespectful tanari guild you also run and the things I’ve heard about you defending n*zi profiles.

    Was making a “Middle eastern themed” tanari guild, while also having your warlord “smell like camels”, and have weird titles like “He who has never m*ted” a conscious decision or did you grow up this way?

    Actually don’t answer that. Happy winterveil to everyone but this guy.


    Not as interesting anymore.


    The dude is a legit tool and ‘NOT BRIGHT’ at all… His whole trp is cringe to saying he is the rightful heir or lord of alterac lol Plus it’s scarlet crusade they don’t last long anyways.

    what if…instead of Alliance on WRA…we just have Scarlet Crusade?

    Idk man, the right people could make a scarlet crusade guild interesting. The right people could also sell me a snowball in Alaska.