A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

No, truth. Why do you think BC is being progressed into? Why do you think Blizz offered the Level 58 Boost (something that I’m against, as well)?

I’ll help you out. Because the majority want to jump STRAIGHT into Outlands and not want to level through 1-60, first in order to get there.

No, this has NOTHING to do with why I’m against it. Only I can say what I mean. You cannot express what I’m thinking nor feeling especially since you’re just wrong about it, in the first place but moving on.

  1. That’s fine, keep being wrong about what you think my intentions are.
  2. Neither are the likes of you.

I’m not “pretending” on anything. I’m showing you the reality. The majority of the players want to progress and not “fresh”. Blizz said so during their Round Table. Here’s the Time-Stamped Video, for you:
I don’t think Blizz would say that, if the Majority “didn’t want” progression :woman_shrugging:

That’s not really true. WoW has been out for a long time, and the Standard Game has more players than Classic. WoW was at its peak during Wrath which wasn’t a “new” concept. I began my WoW journey in BC and joined an already established server, along with many other players RAFing their “Friends”. You cannot change this fact.

Insults are not arguments.

  1. You have that backwards. I’ve been attacked merely for having my own opinion and not conforming to the “OMG YAS! ‘fresh’! do eet!” stance 100%. I’m not even fighting against it. I’m expressing how it’s impacting me, and you don’t like that it does have a negative impact so now we’re shifting the conversation into repetitive jargon that has nothing to do with me.
  2. You’re projecting. The antagonistic behavior directed towards me makes your call for NEW Servers worse.
  1. Insults are not arguments.
  2. Projection.

I doubt Blizz not offering NEW Servers means an end to BC. Why? Because the majority want progression.

No, they’re not because they know who the majority are and are catering to them, and the majority is not “fresh”.

I think you should take a look at your’s, too.

Again, backwards. I’m being attacked and antagonized by this NEW Server mob merely for having concern on how it’ll impact me, and I’ve expressed it such. But, that doesn’t matter because screw what I want. It only matters what YOU want. And, you don’t care who you hurt. Is that really how you want to gain support for your cause? Hypocrites :roll_eyes:

The point of threads is to have a discussion, and I’m doing that.

No, I’m not. Because outside forces are going to read more than the just Title and the OP. And, that’s what I’m contributing to.

When I played through the Burning Crusade the first time, I actually deleted my original Human Mage to make a Draenei one. My original Mage had gone through Molten Core, Zul Gurub, Black Wing Lair, and some of Naxxramas and had a legendary mount as well as all Epic gear. I almost never play anything other than a Human in an RPG. I am a Human and it is the race I can most relate to in an RP fashion, just as I almost always play an intelligence based caster of some kind.

When I saw Azuremyst Island though and got a feel for who and what the Draenei were, I was hooked. Their combination of a Science Fiction and Fantasy story convinced me to play something other than a Human in an RPG for the first time in my life. However, I don’t really play alts. I usually only ever have one character that I play in an MMORPG and I wanted my character’s name again for my Draenei.

So, with a great outcry from my guild I deleted my Human Mage and created a Draenei. Of course, I had to level from one again. I had to re-gear him and re-level his professions. And I loved every minute of the story from the perspective of the Draenei. However, the rest of my guild went on into Outland. They started their reputation and dungeon grinding to get up to the raids and by the time I made it into Outland they were quite far ahead of me in content. I knew that would most likely be the price I paid for starting over again and I had to find other people to do my Outland content with.

This time around, I plan on doing the same thing. It would be nice to have a fresh server to start on so that I (and other people who want to start over again with the Draenei and/or Blood Elves) are not left behind in Outland. I know that Blizzard has stated that these races will be available during the pre-patch, but without knowing how much time there will be between it and the actual launch of Burning Crusade Classic, I feel a fresh server to start on would even the playing field for everyone.

This is not my only reason for wanting one, but it is one of the more important ones. I have no idea how much it costs Blizzard to setup a new server, but there certainly appears to be a great deal of people wanting them. I cannot believe it would be that cost prohibitive for them to accommodate us as they did the RPPVP server requests for Classic.



LF fresh server, WTB fresh server! LF gaming company that gives their customers what they ask for!


I bet the majority would jump to a new server if they were offered.

So you’re wrong.


This is just a speculation. But still, the majority want to Progress. “Fresh” NEW BC Servers does not give them this option especially since the cry for it is to disable the Level 58 Boost which hinders the jump straight into Outlands. So, no, I don’t think the majority is for the 1-70 process.

No, I’m not. The BC Survey CONFIRMS the majority want to jump straight into Outlands.

Show me the survey then.

Hint, you can’t. Do you know why? Because Holly Longdale is in charge and would rather milk classic with boosts than give people new servers.


are you looking for an RP wife here? if so ill do that, but im not interested unless it’s a conversation resulting in “we agree to disagree, now let’s slam at the lion prides inn”

1,000 posts! Amazing!

Also, good morning all.

And very well said in your whole post. Aesthetic and attachment to a character is very important to me as well.

It seems the more I read from the nay-sayers trying to keep me on their far gone servers, the more I want to get away from it.

Keep that drama over there, plzkthx.

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Apparently last year’s survey was easily forgotten about :roll_eyes:

I can :slightly_smiling_face:

Because people like you are stuck and can’t move passed that you’re in the minority and not the majority :slightly_smiling_face:

Or, that the majority want to progress :woman_shrugging:


Oh, please, the likes of you have been nothing but nasty and rude to me merely because I pointed out a flaw in your plea. Instead of trying to work on a compromise to make us all happy, you’d rather impact my desires, in order to promote your’s. The irony and hypocrisy is unreal.

That WoWhead page doesn’t give any info other than a survey was sent out.

Also if you knew anything about Holly Longdale you’d know she doesn’t give a damn about classic she just wants to squeeze the money out of the players.

She did the same thing with Everquest 1 and 2 when they made progression servers pushing EXP potions and other crap onto them. I’m saying phase 3 of TBC the boost won’t be 1 per account anymore instead it will be as many as you want.

You won’t find the actual results for the survey.


You keep saying that people want to progress and you are totally misrepresenting the information asked. It was never ASKED if people wanted fresh TBC servers. The options were “do you want to progress to TBC” or “do you want to stay in vanilla”. I chose to “progress to TBC” but I still want fresh…

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I wouldn’t waste your energy. You won’t get anywhere.


And, common sense suggests that the majority want to progress and not be “wiped” upon entering the realm of BC. I’ve been on these forums and have had these endless discussions:

Anyhoot, I think you get the point.

This is irrelevant but going over prior posts, I’m amazed at how spot on I was with this post that I made :rofl:

  1. Who she is as a person has no barring if she can do her job.
  2. What she’s done in the past doesn’t mean she’s going to do the same thing.
  3. Slippery slope.

It’s not hard to know that the majority is those in favor for progression over NEW Servers.

No, I’m not but continue.

That’s great! That’s not the argument. The argument is the majority is in favor for Progression than “fresh”. The majority is not interested in playing in some “fresh” concept. No, they want to take their gold, their characters, professions, etc., into BC without repeating that process, over again. They want RIGHT into Outlands!

Great way to fight for your cause :+1:


Lol except that IS your argument. The survey asked do you want to progress to TBC or do you want to stay in vanilla. Clearly the way they are using progression is saying “play TBC”. You can quote 100 people saying they don’t want fresh, and I could quote 100 people saying they do. That proves nothing. Continue playing the victim while you treat people in a condescending manner. I wont be responding to you anymore :slight_smile:


Wisest choice for that personality type.

What class will you be rolling when prepatch hits?

I’m totally up in the air if I will even play if there isn’t fresh. I want to say I won’t but I can’t say that with certainty. I’ve been a healer main most expansions and tried tanking in Vanilla, but I wasn’t exceptional at it by any means. I’ll probably roll a hunter and a resto druid since I’ve never really done a DPS class and I know hunters are strong, but a resto druid would allow me to play to my strengths a little more. You?

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Paladin / Hunter / Druid.

Maining Paladin.

Will probably end up with every class again.

Please send help.

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No, it’s not. I’m showing and expressing how the majority want to progress into BC (not play it, progress, difference).

No, it’s to bring all of your progress over and into it.

Go for it.

Actually, it proves that players want to progress :woman_shrugging:

Can’t “play” something that I already am.

Again, projection.

Good. I’ll continue to prove that the majority is not in favor for “fresh”. To use this person’s own words, if

Then, the wisest move on her part is to cater to the…wait for it…MAJORITY interested in Progression :open_mouth:

Exactly what “type” of “personality” am I? :thinking:

IK you didn’t ask me this but to lighten up the mood, I look forward to rolling a Belf Mage :slightly_smiling_face:

I really think you should consider Troll mage.


IK why you’re suggesting this. Regardless, I did consider Troll Mage for Classic. Perhaps, later down the road of Perma Classic Servers, I might :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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