TBC should not allow Classic transfers

That’s good for you but the rest of us are keeping our work. I didn’t pay for 2x 6 month subs and play all this time just to flush everything and start over. We done paid our dues. If you didn’t, that’s not our fault, and we’re not starting over just for you. You had your opportunity to start just like the rest of us, and could still easily get to 60 long before BC is here. If you don’t do it, that’s no one’s fault but your own. You’re not getting a free boost either. You can level to 58 like the rest of us.

I don’t know why people keep requesting that we have all of our work wiped… but it needs to stop. It’s an awful pointless request which you can already do if you want. If you want to wipe all your work and start over; you go right ahead. But don’t expect everyone else to or try to force it upon us. Most of us subbed this with the direct intention of taking our characters and work up to outlands, and that’s what we’re going to do. If you want to start with a character at 58, then level it to 58 now and quit.