A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Someone shared this lovely link in another thread:
Note: Language present in video.

The mage exploit is real.

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I’m not against “fresh” BC Servers. I’m against NEW Servers, in general. That being said, I already explained how it does affect me, but nobody cares about that because it’s “not in favor” of what you want, therefore why bother helping other people achieve their desires? Hypocritical :roll_eyes:

I, and many others, enjoy drinking chocolate milk.

You can’t make us hate chocolate milk.

Just like I can’t make you like it.



I’m not forcing anybody to dislike your chocolate milk. I’m inspiring compromises that doesn’t impact other people. Your desire to drink chocolate milk is impactful to my allergy to chocolate milk. Perhaps, compromise and don’t drink chocolate milk, around me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hmm, strange you’d complain about that in someone else’s home.

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That is an open invite but not surprised you don’t care about my well being. What a great way to gain support for your cause :+1:

EDIT: We can continue going back and forth attacking each other or actually have a productive conversation. Which one do you want to do?

I prefer to stay away from high maintenance people.

That’s what I’m gonna do.



Sounds good so stop responding to me, then :slightly_smiling_face:

no you hang up first :slight_smile:

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This long distance call is about to get expensive.

fresh tbc when?


Go for it. So much for a “productive” conversation :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So, what else do you want to say about me, as a person, that continues to not strengthen your points? :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re not inspiring compromises at all Piper :joy:
You’re saying you would prefer seasonal servers over new servers while telling everyone else that their reasons for wanting a new server don’t matter. That’s not compromise at all.


While that is your perception, I’m telling that I’m not. I’ve CLEARLY expressed that your want and desire is impacting me, but you don’t give a flying fig, at all about it. So, that whole argument of “it doesn’t affect you” is moot and a lie.

EDIT: And, if you don’t like my suggestion, please come up with another alternative.

People in this thread: we are in support of fresh servers please!

Piper: DeBaTe Me


I’m not asking for debates. I’m asking for solutions. But, nobody cares. They only care about themselves and not the aftermath of the impact they have on other people. Typical, though.

You’re afraid that your failed classic server full of bots and problems will be even emptier after a Fresh start TBC server announcement, because you know for a FACT that every single new player would prefer to play in a fresh start TBC server.

Actually, you know it is very possible that many people ON your server will choose to start anew in a fresh TBC server.

So when you say that our wishes for a fresh start server is “affecting you”, what you really mean is that you’re afraid that all your current progress will be a waste in a ghost server.


No, I’m not. I’ve expressed NUMEROUSLY I expect Perma Servers (whether it’s Classic or BC, doesn’t matter) to be “dead”. What I don’t want is to have all these extra servers to force Blizz’s hand to enable Connected Realms and Server Identity gets lost. I don’t want a plethora of “dead servers”, where we lose Server Identity thanks to Connected Realms. IDC if players don’t want to play Classic, this is so beyond just Classic!

That’s not true. IK for a FACT that the majority just want to jump straight into Outlands. There’s not a lot in favor for “fresh” like you think there is. And, that’s why they’re not being offered. So quit parroting the same jargon that has nothing to do with me.

Actually, IK many on my Server that prefer to PROGRESS into BC Servers. And, their sole intentions in leveling in Classic was to prepare for BC.

As in “too many dead servers” being forced to install Blizz’s Connected Realm feature. I’d be happy to play on non-Connected Realmed or even un-Server Merged Perma Servers (whether it’s BC or Classic, doesn’t matter) if it means they continue to be “dead”, in order to retain Server Identitiy. But, IK I’m in the SUPER minority category, for that.

Lie. The majority of new players are asking for Fresh Start TBC servers, and the ones against it, here and in many others threads, are players like you, playing on failed classic servers and afraid that the low population issues you’re facing will get even worse with fresh start TBC servers.

You’re fooling no one, stop pretending.

New players will ALWAYS choose to play on fresh start servers, you can’t change that fact, especially with your TERRIBLE argument capabilities. You’re antagonizing too much the players you wish to join your server, you’re just making everything worse.

With your terrible intervention, the only goal you will achieve is making people choose to play on a fresh server or not play at all. And if that turns to be the case, Blizzard will actually be forced to create new servers.

Just look at your behavior for a second. You’re antagonizing everyone here, bumping a thread that asks for something you don’t want and making it to be always in the top. Can’t you see? You’re shooting your own feet.