A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers


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Common sense doesn’t apply here :joy: this is Blizzard, the authors of “you think you do but you don’t”. They’ll do whatever they want to do regardless of what a survey of existing players may have said at the time.
Regardless, you referenced the survey as fact without having any idea of the results:

Quoting a bunch of one off crap from different topics doesn’t prove anything and you have zero idea of whether that represents a minority, a majority, or something in between so stop pretending like you know something the rest of us don’t.

Interesting answers re fresh servers on this so far


Don’t have to tell me twice.

And, they’re not perfect, nobody is. Doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to make mistakes.

If they want to lose money sure, but I don’t think they will.

The results are clear. If the majority was “fresh” we would’ve gotten “fresh”. That fact that we aren’t suggests that you lot are not the marjority and are an acceptable loss to blizz’s budget. Because the majority is here to stay and supports their budget.

It does. All this outcry for “fresh” is so small, they were trying to erase other people’s progress, too. But sure, the clear evidence isn’t enough :roll_eyes:

I do know. It’s you lot that doesn’t. “Fresh” is not the majority which is why it wasn’t on Blizz’s radar to offer. All you have to do is listen to their Round Table, and they even say so, but that’s not good enough, either :woman_shrugging:

You can kick and scream all you like, those in favor for progression is the majority, that’s why so may options for such is available.

You don’t know what the results are tho :slight_smile:

You know what Blizzard has announced so far, that’s all. That didn’t stop you with your connected realms spiel.

I want to play BC, I’d probably even no life it as hard as I did back when I played it the first time. But I’m not going to touch it, unless I am able to roll on a fresh server, that is segregated from the existing RMT infested servers.

Let the people who have ten alchemist/tailor alts ready to roll, play with others like themselves.


Let’s not kid ourselves, fresh servers would be dominated by RMT in less than a month anyway. If people want fresh servers that’s fine, but if they think a fresh server is going to be a safe haven from gold sellers they’re in for a very rude awakening

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It is sad we have to accept that as a norm.

Definitely inevitable, anywhere there is a server a farmer or bot will be formed.

At least these won’t have Classic’s past.


Piper is correct there is nothing in the game from you going on your ‘journey’ again

Just Re-roll , no new ‘fresh’ servers of any kind required

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People are already doing that.

Classic is an exploit mess. Pass.


Sorry you don’t get to dictate what people find valuable in this game. Troll harder.

I didnt say i was or had the power to do so

I agree with her that ‘fresh’ servers are a waste of time and resources for something that can be done in game - right now- without the need for any new servers

I do however have the power to call bad ideas bad, and the ‘fresh’ server Is a silly/bad/wasteful idea and should be treated with scorn because so.

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Show me any data that suggests this. Otherwise it’s an opinion at best and quite frankly irrelevant.

Again, Why? It happened in the original launch of TBC. Are you claiming Blizzard made mistakes the first time around? If you are going to die on a hill at least stay consistent.

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I do. If the majority was “fresh”, we’d be getting “fresh”. Because we’re not, that means the majority is not for “fresh” :slightly_smiling_face:

And, it seems to coincide with exactly what I’m saying :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m making the situation aware. I’m not going to create duplicate threads talking about the same thing. I only did that once with NEW Servers vs Seasonal. For the most part, I don’t replicate threads. I stay consistent in my stance and never budge and continue spreading the word while engaging with other people with their subject matters. I’m not that self absorbed. We all have different needs and wants. I do my best to help EVERYONE. IK you don’t think so, but that’s OK. I’m not here to cater to only one audience. There are other voices out there that are equally as important. It’s not all about “fresh”.

Did she actually say that anyway. Or is this you self-projecting again?

I have to say, I don’t see why there is all this vehemence over the concept of a few fresh servers for those who want to play on them. If you don’t want to re-roll on them, no one is going to force you to. You are welcome to keep all of your gold and high level characters and move right on to Outland and/or use your level 58 boost as you see fit.

Why begrudge a few fresh servers for those who want a fresh start? It does you no harm.



Considering their “#somechanges” stance and already making BC not so BC, I wouldn’t have high hopes in BC being the same as it was, including the arrival of NEW Servers.

I think in a different thread, I might’ve :thinking:

Not particularly those words. I think I said “I don’t see the point”. I (also) brought up its impact towards perma servers, but that concern gets thrown out the window simply because it counters NEW Servers.

And instead of showing any compassion towards my concerns, I was met with aggression. So excuse my equally as “aggressive” response. I’m not being met with kindness, so I have no reason to give it :woman_shrugging:

I’d (also) like to ppint out that the individual in question that claimed the majority is “fresh” has no proof to their claim. It’s just speculation and an opinion. The cries on these forums don’t prove majority rule, obviously :roll_eyes:

It does harm Perma Servers.

Data says you can re-roll at anytime

Seriously this was a trick question right?

Because there is no compelling argument for the idea, and everything that the ‘freshers’ want is already built in the game, ergo waste of time and resources.

Go re-roll if you want the ‘journey’ again

People want to be melodramatic and dictate how people should play this game when it is literally of no concern to them.

I count at least two dozen forums threads all with almost the exact same topic within the last few days and yet we have people in these forums with the audacity to tell players what they should and shouldn’t want.

I’ve said this previously and I’ll say it a thousand times more. Provide me one statistical piece of evidence that proves this to be true. Don’t be spouting opinions like it’s fact.