Why would they start TBC from level 1?

Real question?

They didn’t reset back in 2007…

If they DID announce a lvl 1 start, you can literally count of Classic dying immediately. I stop playing Classic instantly, since all the work is useless going into TBC.

Yes, we get the 22 of you on the forums all day who are “cLaSsiC Or NoThInG ElSe” are staying classic and “boycotting” TBC. No one cares about the .001%

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This question sounds like you have some reason to believe that you would be forced to start BC at level 1. Is that something you believe?

There has been no indication, as far as I know, that that would be the case.

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The multiple forum posts makes me question why people want it to be a fresh lvl 1 start ,other then being jealous/mad/upset about players have X, Y, Z instead of them,
50k gold, mounts, pvp gear, titles etc etc.

This is the exact reason there will be roll overs. Im sure they will release a couple Fresh TBC servers, but most people will choose a roll over

The question is a result of all the entitled little kiddies that think only what they want matters. Logic and facts do not apply to them. There are countless threads posted demanding that we start at level 1 with no gold. They don’t seem to understand that TBC existed already and it did not reset. None of the expansions reset.


They wouldn’t. The ideal TBC launch would be character coppies AND 58 premade characters. That was Classic players get to keep their characters, and those who didn’t want to play Classic but would like to play TBC have a lower barrier to entry, allowing them to skip the 1-58 content they don’t like. This ensures the most amount of people who are currently playing keep playing, and will draw in as many new players as possible.

Also Blizzard should definitely do one or more new realms which you can’t transfer to for 6+months and have premade 58s disabled on them.

I don’t know who would possibly get upset from this release criteria.


I would just not worry about it. People cry all day long on the internet. Got some guy in twitter losing it because Cyberpunk is delayed lol. But hey, it makes my day with the crying.

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blizzard won’t make people start over. The amount of people who would quit would ruin TBC for good.


It’s just a loud minority who want to start BC at level 1. No clue why anyone would want to start fresh after devoting this amount of time to their classic characters. We already had Vanilla —> TBC. What Bliz will do is allow us to (COPY) characters over with a gold cap limit while allowing our characters to also stay on Classic servers.

If not they will lose a big chunk of players for no reason at all.

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I don’t think they will start at 1, I think that is probably the least likely scenario. However, I did want to mention that I don’t think it is reasonable to compare the current situation to the original situation.

A lot of people… and I mean a LOT of people… are sold on the idea that Classic will be playable forever. Me? I am looking forward to TBC as I think it captures the spirit of vanilla but removes a lot of the warts. A lot of people though are expecting to play in this sandbox as long as they want, so going straight into TBC content on the current Classic servers is extremely unlikely as well.

TBC not resetting has zero to do with Classic continuing on. Just like in Vanilla when TBC came out, you were not forced into TBC.

The community actually does care about the Security Guards who make up .001% of the playerbase.

I believe it was one of the four or five options they gave on their survey to see what customers would prefer. We don’t know what the results of the survey are, but I highly doubt that option scored very highly.

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Exactly this. It’s just a tiny but very vocal minority here on the forums who want TBC to start fresh.


Considering I haven’t seen a single 60 on a non-epic mount, prolly just people who started late and think “waaa nuuu fair”

Well make sure you don’t tell Blizzard, because several of the options in that TBC survey they sent out involved preserving Classic servers as they are. You keep on making up your own stuff though if it makes you happy.


Making up what? TBC did not require a reset. Anyone that played since Vanilla knows that. TBC will straight up fail if they require everyone to start from level one. Anyone that wants to start from level 1 can already do that. I am not talking about classic servers. Starting TBC like they did originally will have no effect on Classic. They can preserve it all they want. Don’t argue history. It literally happened already.

No one is talking about history but you. The rest of us are talking about the future.

That’s literally it. Don’t listen to them. Whoever wants to continue their characters into tbc will be able to. It’s obvious we’ll be able to. If there’s fresh servers as well, those people who want O M G F R E S H can roll there.

Yes, it was. It may simply be asking if that would be a desirable option of anybody, in addition to other options. As when BC launched, they launched with some new servers. I don’t know if the same was true for WotLK.

It’s just some people. Nobody is asking to force people to start fresh, but some people are hoping for fresh servers, without the possibility to transfer, for at least 90 days.

I already played TBC when i copied my vanilla char and leveled from 60-70 why the hell would i wanna do that again 13 years later? I would only play classic TBC
With a fresh start!