TBC should not allow Classic transfers

If I had to start over I’d quit. Yeah I play a lot and have plans to get a lot of toons to 60 before the end of Vanilla Classic, but all that work and investment that keeps me playing would be gone… so why continue to play?

As for economic arguments… all your points are moot. We are all a lot better at playing then we once were. Information is a lot easier to come by. So quite literally it wouldn’t matter. Just like this 30-Instance per day change only slowed the botters down a few days while they leveled 3 more characters on 3 other realms and continued with what they were doing. This reset would only be a temporary fix. Not only would the cost of things come back up to what they are now. They would be even higher because there would be more effienct raw gold farms (This is what actually brings more gold into the economy. Not Boosting, Not Jump Runs, Not Playing the AH).

You want to fix the the value of gold dropping weekly? The only way to do so is to have an infinite goldsink that a majority of players wants to pay into to remove the gold from the realm. Unlike the real world in WoW both Gold and Resources are infinite. Thus over time the amount of gold will increase indefinitely. This decreases the value of each gold coin. Resources have their infinite resource sink in consumables and gear crafting.

So want to fix the economy of wow? Think and suggest a workable infinite gold sink to remove gold from the game. Just off the top of my head… we could use the stupid tax a.k.a the lotto. Have a set amount of tickets a player could buy. Have half the accumulated gold be deleted from the game and then give the rest to the winner.

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