Bloodbound is currently one of the top Alliance RBG guilds in North America & the most active RBG guild on our realm of Sarg. Our guild currently has seven separate Core RBG teams & have intentions on expanding out to create more teams in the future. Bloodbound has been around for about 10 years and was created during the MoP xpac
Bloodbound is a guild founded on old-school WoW traditions of being a server-based community, Welcoming players of all PVP backgrounds (world PvP, arena, Rated BGs, casual players, glads, new players, hero’s) who seek to develop their skills in a healthy non-toxic community setting. We believe passionately in the power of a Guild community, now more than ever with how scarce good guilds have become in the revolving age of cross-realm servers and the diluted sense of community that comes with it. After all, this is an MMO-based game. In Bloodbound we’re building a strong culture so that players can look forward to logging on every day to play with friends, learn something new, & enjoy their gaming experience.
Rated Battlegrounds: From High experienced games, to low experienced games , we have teams and players who are all over the bracket & we ensure you that it will be easy to make friends, & network within our guild so that you can get more involved into Rated Bgs with players who won’t rage at you for making a mistake, but instead will help you fix your mistakes.
FREE COACHING: Our guild offers free coaching from Hero/Glad XP players who can assist you in learning how to play your class, or help you learn strats in RBGs.
EXOTIC GUILD EVENTS : Outside of RBGs, we like to try to spice the game up by hosting exotic guild events . For example, using the censor or eternal agony (https://www.wowhead.com/item=102467/censer-of-eternal-agony 2) we will play games like search and destroy , having our guildies hunt other guildies down kill them for gold .
EPIC BATTLEGROUND PREMADES : Our guild hosts Epic BG premades aroundabout once a month & we usually give out massive amounts of gold & mounts to players for things like topping damage & healing Etc .
LUXURIOUS GUILD BANK GOODS : You will not find a guild on this game that can even mildly compete with the amount of consumable goods we give away to our community. Players who rank up in our guild (which can be done by pushing CR in arena or RBGs) get free access to a variety of different things like: Flasks, potions , gems, bags , tomes, drums , gliders , Food buffs , enchants .
INCENTIVES FOR PUSHING RATING: Our guild rewards players based off of their personal accomplishments via current rating. Players who reach 1800, 2100, and 2400 get separate ranks/ promos within the guild. In addition, we give out seasonal gold bonuses to players who manage to obtain Elite (2400+ CR) every season.
GUILD BOUNTY CONTRACTS: We have a horde Hitlist available to our guildies to hunt players down in WPVP to earn in-game gold for hunting and killing these players
If you have any questions regarding our guild, the best place to get in touch with me is our discord server. You can contact me by joining the Bloodbound disc and sending me a DM.
Discord code : N87StWjq