[A] <Bloodbound> RBG/ PVP Guild recruiting

Hey guys,

What’s the discord server link? The above code in original post seems to have expired, I think.

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Hey everyone,

Former player coming back from a loooooooooooonnnng hiatus. Def thinking about making a character on this server and very interested in pvp! Will def be looking for you guys when I create a character!

Leadership has a lot to learn about treating its members kindly and stop acting like they’re better than everyone else.

By Far the worst eliltist guild in Wow. THey get you in on the promise they well build your skills and then they ghost you when you get in. THey do have a great training group for people that have never pvp’d before which helped me but after doing those, move to another guild

REally not a good guild unless you are top level. If you are not in core group then you are an outcast. I donated around 100k and made donations to the bank, “TRIED” to participate in guild RBGs but after 4 months I failed to get into 1 Core group. Im a good in RBGs on my mains hunter and Pally but was not part of the high school in crowd. DIscord sever is pretty much dead. BEWARE. They are however some really cool people in there that willl help you outm, they are Unicorns though so keeep your eyes open if you join

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Lots of lies in there

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I’m sorry that you had a bad experience in our guild, but your comments are misleading. For starters, we don’t promise to build anyone’s skills. We offer free services within our guild that you need to take initiative to use. Our coach’s don’t go DMing people in our guild everyday looking to see who needs help, you need to contact our coach’s. Normally , the best way to do that is through contacting someone in management & they get you in touch with one of the coach’s; however, we do have a coach page listed in discord with a list of names of our coach’s and their contact information so that you can get in contact with them first hand without having to go through management.

So, no Bronsy. We never ghosted you; you yourself just didn’t put in enough effort to get the help you wanted.

I’m glad you got to enjoy a part of the guild though, happy to hear that.

I would argue against this. Our guild is a good fit for players of all skill ranges. Like I mentioned earlier, we offer a Varity of FREE SERVICES that are designed and catered to our lower experienced players to help them learn & progress. Here are a few of the things we do and offer to help our lower experienced members :

  1. We have weekly low XP RBG training groups on Monday/Wednesday/Friday

  2. We have a weekly PVP Workshop thats scheduled on the in-game calendar, during this workshop we will do VoD reviews , talk about gameplay & wargame to practice things in a RBG setting. (Which you never took the time to part take in btw )

  3. We have a bunch of Glad and Hero XP players who are volunteer coach’s who will help you 1 on 1 if you take steps to reach out and get in touch with them .

Not true, we host guild events that include our entire community and host alt RBGs almost on a daily basis that involves a lot of our members who aren’t on a core team.

You’ve donated to our guild bank with the expectations of getting a carry in return. I will glady return your gold to you. All of our RBG teams Q at 1800+ MMR. Your peak experience is 1600 and you’ve been hardstuck 1400 this season. Point being, you’re not going to get onto one of our teams if your experience doesn’t match the MMR they are Qing at. You’re not putting enough effort to improve as a player; rather, you are giving out gold and complaining all the time expecting people to carry you instead of asking for help.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, but our guild is for players who want to improve their gameplay. We aren’t seeking members who are looking to be carried.

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Hey I think you a misrepresenting the guild and what it takes. Its kinda weird you join a guild and donate some gold and expect to join the best team with 2700+ xp players. Why not join another team that is around your xp then work up from there. Not saying you’re bad or anything but you have to understand your goal differs from core 1. They want to fight the best and you havent proven yourself to be on a team if you cant even join a 1800 team and help them push. If you need your gold back mail Dizzykitty and ill send you double what you gave up! Good luck in your adventures!


Hello I’m a new returning player that used to push high end PvE (aotc mainly with a little CE) but since returning have extremely gotten into pvp. I’ve never been high rated but I’m a high caliber player and since I’ve returned about 2 months ago I’ve reached 1700 with random pugs so looking to join an actual group and keep learning!

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What can I say about Bloodbound?

I assume all feedback is welcome, correct? Not just the favorable kind.

I like the people in the guild, but the leadership has a lot to work on. It feels more like a fraternity/sorority “clique” than a group of fair and impartial officers willing to discuss issues. They would rather just tell you to “submit a ticket” so they can sweep things under the rug and they delete any/all comments in chats where guild members can see and judge for themselves. When you try to have a serious/reasonable conversation, the officers just close your ticket without resolve. It’s sad because there is so much potential if it was actually run well.

I wish everyone the best though, a lot of good players in the guild that have left/are leaving.


Yeah our officer base is “not fair and Impartial” only because we didn’t make you a guild officer. Smalltoch , the gift that keeps on giving. You’re the most bitter person I’ve ever met on this game.

If by “Good players” you mean “your friend circle” then yes they are leaving, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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Hi Smalltoch,
We do appreciate your feedback. While many of our officers are friends with each other, we pride ourselves in having a diverse group of individuals, all with varying opinions and skill sets. All guild matters are discussed at length, with thoughts on all points of the spectrum, before coming to any decisions.

It is unfortunate you feel this way - no matter what our decision is with resolving issues, I do not feel like you would have been satisfied. When matters were addressed publicly, you were unhappy and pushed for private resolution. When we offered private resolution through our ticket system, you were not happy with that either.

Thank you for your well wishes. Bloodbound has been around for nearly a decade, and I believe we will continue to thrive. Hopefully your experience with your new guild meets your expectations! :slight_smile:


Mannnnnn - you got upset when an officer addressed something (in your words) “ in the public eye for all to see” but you are bitter now because we chose to handle issues with you privately after that?
Also , you repeatedly requested tickets to be closed, not the other way around. Whether you chose to still be bitter after that is your problem not ours.
We are well aware there’s no stopping you in you trying to paint a narrative a specific way, but I do ask you this .
Why do you , a “successful grown man with no time for childlike issues”, value so much and invest so much time into a video game guild? You sir have way too much time and I hope you find somewhere else to invest it :slight_smile: maybe more pool time? Just leave phone inside. /hugs


Talk about being bitter, Wintèrz? I must have hit a nerve.

I’ve said my peace. I wish you all the best moving forward and I mean that. I left valid, truthful feedback and that’s okay if you don’t agree. We’re allowed to feel a certain way based on our own experiences. Our perception is our reality and I shared mine, that’s all. Life is good, let’s put this behind us shall we?

Make today better than yesterday…
= )



Wish I knew how to remove this post. Toxic Guild environment

I HAVE NEVER PAID FOR A CARRY! AND I NEVER WILL! I think youre salty because I didnt donate to your gofundme for a new pc that you advertised in guild chat and discord. Good luck to the decent people in your guild. You, however, need to stop lying.

Both times I signed up for this, YOU were late. My comments are not misleading. They are my experience in your guild.

We also have left valid truthful feedback as well. If you were so content you wouldn’t be in half the guilds dms and a forum post about it.
Move on


Probably a reason Cara left too. I was just responding to lies that Winterz was telling. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid