I can't believe how bad PvP is

Fellar, this isn’t Shadowlands. Your trolling is outdated.


nothing in bfa was fun. you hit someone for 10,000 and then math happened…and then all of a sudden you hit them for 704 instead.

no you don’t. my evoker hasn’t done anything, take the quest to go to dragon isles, then just fly to valdraken as soon as the loading screen ends.

a perfectly balanced meta would get boring and stale after 1 season. they leave things a little off balance to enable meta shifting. as far as balance goes, there is also a discussion going on online about if perfect balance makes for a good game and the general consensus is that it does not.

neither of your complaints are really valid.

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This xpac has been “lighter” on the requirements to play competitively, but its not enough.

PvP needs a jump in and play attitude. Getting honor gear is not so bad. Playing midseason and grinding out your head to the wall for conquest - well I guess its not bad either, but its unnecessary. Getting precog might not seem like a big deal, but its another step.

This attitude where “its not that bad” well its not getting PvP anywhere. You have terrible participation and don’t get me wrong there are more issues, MMR deflation to name a big one. The rollercoaster of buffs and nerfs throughout a season doesn’t help either lolret rework. Healers queueing solo shuffle, SS times, etc.

In most other games you login, queue, and play within minutes. PvP has too many barriers and there are just other options that people are clearly taking. S2 has been dreadful and if left unattended by the devs prepare yourself for S3.


Who do I contact if I want to join Blood Bound? I have a Disc Priest on Alliance .

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Thank you! I got in on my Disc Priest, appreciate the info.

basically this once u do it on 1 toon its ez to skip it all on alts all my alts sit in valdrakken esp during timewalking leveling . the into quest takes 5 min an then bam u can fp straight to valdrak .

There are a lot of low IQ people that defend this, unfortunately. They don’t understand that this is the type of crap that can make new players instantly stop playing or even seasoned players stop pvp’ing all together. Then they can’t figure out why queue times are so ridiculous, and why people are quitting WoW in droves. This is common sense people….


Yep… I think I’ve finally shook this game … No reason to play anymore.


I’m not sure how perfect balance would be a bad thing and I have no idea what hoops someone jumped through to get to that conclusion but if balance was perfect what would decide who wins is comp and player ability. But I know there are a lot of people on this game who enjoy things being absolutely broken so they can stay dreadful at the game and still win through sheer faceroll or bug abuse like in low levels. So I guess I understand how you could say perfect balance is a bad thing. What an increasing number of people on this game want is “balance” and by that they mean the scale being tilted all the way to their end. It’s tragic

stop being so dramatic. no one is gona quit because of a pvp thread on wow forums. hahahaha what a pathetic statement

Spending the passed few days losing back to back in random bgs, something really needs to be done to balance out the game for both sides because it’s not exactly fair when one faction has to spend longer grinding than the other.

I’m glad to know that in the time i’ve been gone, the wow community still thinks (insert current pvp season here) is worst pvp season

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because ironically every expac seems to have a worse pvp

Im sure you believe that.

no bfa is the worst seasons. i then SL 1 hit and i thought oh yeah…finally some pvp…and sl was ok…slowly got worse…and then dragonflight…

idc what anyone says legion was best pvp

You misspelled most of pandaria

I wasn’t here for all that so I’m going by what I know and that’s legion