[A or H] WW Monk/Ret Pally/Aff Lock LF late night rbg team/guild

Hello all, im currently looking for a chill late night rbg team/guild that also runs arena im a casual player so i would pref a team or guild that doesnt rage when i mess up etc. ima decent player 1600-1700 in 2s i play both horde and alliance looking for a guild or team that runs rbgs 12am-2am PST only days im not available are tues/fri im also online during the day on weekends feel free to add me on bnet or discord if interested :slight_smile: thanks!!!
Bnet- Wakko#11921
Discord- wakko5370

Hey Drip, Bloodbound sounds like the right fit for you, check us out!

[A] RBG/ PVP Guild recruiting - Sargeras - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hey sorry for the late response but what times do you guys host rbgs? Im more of a late night person so im usually on 11:30pm-1:30am pst didnt see the time or days on your thread