9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

That is disgusting… I’m ill after reading that… coming to the realization of what this game is reforging into…
Thanks for that explanation, I was truly not understanding as I don’t dabble in tokens.


Bump because it’s important. Unfortunately Im bumping this from 420 to 421. Hopefully blizzard decreases the ilvl gaps between the upgrades, leas upgrades or something because the majority of the player base will struggle to climb at a gear deficit.

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It’s effectively an indirect pay to win model. The real money goes to Blizzard, then Blizzard has subcontractors perform the service in exchange for fake money. But, instead of Blizzard paying the subcontractors directly, they give the means of payment back to the person purchasing the service.

That way Blizzard can deny that they are providing a pay to win service. The gearing system is not going to change. Blizzard is unethical and the system is corrupt. Prove me wrong.


Its amazing to witness a game kill itself in real time.


“pvp gear no longer needs ranking to be bought or upgraded but can now be found in the shop and the npcs only sell honor gear”


Basically this ^

Look what happens by the end of an xpansion…you can just cancel sub, play another game, wait until the end of the xpansion, come back when the world quest gear is way higher, and rinse repeat the next xpac if it equally sucks.


puke emoji

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Nobody at Blizz gonna give two hoots about what I have to say, since I’m not a youtuber or streamer… but here goes a try…

For catchup system - Similar to what happens by the end of an expansion, if we apply this throughout the regular season and make it such that as the season progresses, as does everyone’s gear. Not to the upmost highest, but at least something decent in terms of relative PvE potential. 194 ilvl from world quests or command tables, with epic tributes giving 203 ilvl is just SO sad. If we are gating ilvl advancement, add a renown+ option once you cap it at 40 to unlock higher ilvl items. Take the quest, gather anima, get renown as usual. You guys control when this releases, but really, by now, I think the casual population should already be given at least 213ilvl items, maybe 220.

You want people to not quit and cancel sub when they cant progress? Keep the progression coming on a regular basis. Anyone who still wants to raid and m+ at higher levels will need to get their gear up higher anyways. For casual players, all this does is make content easier, and these same people who dont have good gear now, probably dont have the time to get it anyways. Where’s the harm in this? It won’t degrade accomplishments as it is a lagging upgrade that is currently non-existent. People can focus on achievements for xmogs mounts etc.

As for PvP Arena - scale everyones ilvl to the same ilvl in PvP, and focus purely on rating. Don’t make templates.

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gear tied to rating is the dumbest design of the century for pvp


Blizzard introduced the idiotic gear tied to rank system in TBC Classic where it did not initially exist. Has there been any indication they are going to add some method of boosting over there too?

If so that pretty well confirms they are intentionally screwing over their casual players’ game experience in order to exploit pay to win systems. It’s possible at the moment they are absolutely clueless and not reading feedback outside their bubble, but it’s getting increasingly difficult to attribute this to anything other than greed.


Or brilliant for profit. Trending subscription losses but overall increased revenue due to “value added services.”

The gear system is going to stay. Blizzard needs the token sales. That is why they are totally ignoring the feedback on the issue.


I’m pretty sure they should try to focus on maintaining a steady population rather than offend them with the systems they have implemented along the way.

I’d love Blizzard to show us the data on their token sales. What type of people do it. 41% of their playerbase quit, and they lost 60% revenue, and they accept this as “normal behaviour”. Why would any company want this to happen? It’s almost like they focus on trying to get the attention of this group of players, get them to spend money on services, those players eventually realize the game is garbage, and the rest of the way, everyone else is paying for it. It doesn’t HAVE to be like this Blizzard. Why do you guys insist on momentarily grabbing the attention of the money group, then saying, oh well after they leave? Now you guys are so thirsty for the coin, you add to the problem, and try to eat up whatever scraps you got left via token sales from boosting?

I find it a little funny how it has degraded to the point where we have popular Youtubers and Streamers just now chiming in now when its becomes horrendous.

I’m sure many of you, who do the actual work at your jobs while your manager just sits at their desk and… manages, know that the higher up on the management chain it goes, the further disconnected those people are from what’s actually happening. 100% this is what is going on.


Youtubers and streamers benefit more from having a wide general playerbase than a smaller playerbase that buys wow tokens.


In that case, it gives them incentive to fight for a larger playerbase, which isn’t happening with the current direction in game content and designs


this … ^^^


Hello again

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This is basically just venrukis gearing post from 2 (3?) expansions ago 2.0… they trolled us all hard making us think SL gearing would be the fix.

^ It feels like it. Sad part is they’re not really even trolling us yet. They’re just pretending this post doesn’t exist.


Wait is r1 actually going down thats crazy.

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I warn: The only thing left in this game will be the carriers and the carriees and the ones who were told its a matter of “get gud” as to why they can’t climb a bracket so they stick around… Fruitlessly trying but dying in a global before they even have time to press a button because their max geared opponent is just simply carrying a weakling up the ladder while tied to their hip…just another Tuesday in WoW, I guess…this seems to be the new normal.