9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

You gotta get to 2.2k for some shoulders…? Am I reading that correctly? My head hurts…

There was some stuff in og tbc… I don’t remember it like that though… Weren’t the weapons at 1800 and the shoulders/helm somewhere above that?!

Welp they just killed tbc for me. Cool stuff, I guess I can stop leveling in classic and unsub.

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The first two seasons were not rating gated at all in the original TBC.

For TBC Classic I was so happy to only have two pieces behind rating and for only 2 seasons.

Now they are adding rating requirements where there were none at all.

And where there were rating requirements, they are extending that to even more gear.

How many times to we have to pound this out on the forums?

Rating requirements on gear makes for a worse game.


Yes ok yes


World of Warcraft saw strong reach, engagement and participation in value added services

token salez BOIZzz!!!


gates = more token sales (for now)
WoW is currently embracing the ptw model

tis the beginning of the end :sob:


For bump purposes and my curiosity, can you explain the correlation of this rating gate system with WoW token sales?

The only reason we heard from a blue on the “arena is dead nobody is queueing” post is because that was easy to respond to. They cherry picked the start of the season when every pver and their grandma was buying boosts so that they could say “OHH LOOK THE GAME IS MORE ACTIVE THAN IT’S EVER BEEN” they are actually calling us stupid by doing that, and it’s disrespectful, it’s a complete lie… it’s SO dead right now that r1 cutoff is DROPPING in rating number while being artificially inflated LOL. Blizzard has proved to us that they’re unwilling to address the actual problem and it’s truly sad.


Boosting is so out of hand I got drive-by boosted the other week by Absterge. Was trying to do low cr 2’s on an alt and next thing I know I’m playing with Grievous Gladiator Stergedumpy who is (as his name suggests) dumping on kids in the 15hundo bracket with me. I didn’t even know who he was until 3 games in lol. Imagine how bad it has gotten when people who aren’t even looking for a boost are getting one on accident. Lmao fix your game.


Personally, my preference for gearing up is PvP, as opposed to PvE.

PvP is dynamic and always changing, PvE is static, repetitive, unrealistic boss encounters that feel like children dance games, and utterly boring. What type of people are making this stuff?!?!? For crying out loud man!

Why should PvP gear help in PvE? Well, we have to do the PvE content, you can’t progress in the game at all if you don’t. If you want to compete in PvP, you must PvE to some extent. Torghast, soul ash, legendaries. Unlocking Covenant Soulbinds through renown, world quests, world boss fights, anima grind, soul gathering in the maw. All of these things are PvE related, to help you get PvP optimized and be on the best footing possible in the Arena (if it were even).

Do you know how pissed I’d be if I get PvP gear and it’s worthless in PvE? Then I also have to PvE to be able to farm PvE content for the reasons stated in the above paragraph? That is going to be complete garbage.

So in 9.0 Blizzard forces PvEers to PvP to get good gear? And now when 9.1 comes out, they force PvPers to PvE to get good gear for PvE content? What is going on man?!!? Are you guys so disconnected from what’s going on that you have no idea? Think of the ideological mindset behind PvPing and PvEing. PvP for skill factor. Equality of items to optimize skill focus. PvE is a “who can overpower this boss with the highest ilvl gear?”

I think PvP items should still provide a non-gimped means to progress in PvE content, but not PvE in PvP progression, and that is because of the ideological differences of each type of gameplay and the way you’ve designed the Shadowlands content overall. I can’t believe nobody at Blizzard has caught onto this by now.


we’re still here.


An additional post for visibility. Let’s keep this the most active thread on our forum if not the entire site.


^ what he said. keep talking boys.


Pack it in boys, blizzard doesn’t care.


Never give up.

Our power is greater than their power!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


i think this needs a bump, maybe someone will come and read tihs thread by accident


Just wanted to bump this to remind you all Blizzard doesn’t care and won’t change the gearing system.


It don’t stop, keep it bumped to the top!


I still don’t understand why they chase PVE players to play PVP. Address your core audience first aka PVP players then work on bridging the gap to bring in more PVE players.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


gear behind rating and correlation to wow token sales is pretty easy to explain, when gear is put beyond a wall some people cannot hit themselves either lesser skilled pvp players or pve players wanting to get higher ilvl gear to fill in slots missing in pve, they buy tokens to get gold to then pay boosters to boost them to specific rating thresholds for the gear. so its as simple as tokens for gold to then pay for gold boosts.