Do NOT Ban Boosting Communties!

The game design philosophy they had when they were making the game in 2002 does not fit the needs of a 2022 game.


sadly, im afraid you’re right

Wow was created with the intent that selling services for gold is acceptable and that hasn’t changed :man_shrugging:

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Good because I don’t want to stop buying AOTC mounts.

It’s pretty sad that the game has turned into this


He is talking about boosting in PvP it applies to PvE

This is one hundred percent truth!

I wish they’d stop removing them :sob:

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Look, I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but holy Christ do simpleton’s like you bother me.

You’re actually below average, and you should be embarrassed for trying to make it seem like you’re not. You wanna think people who buy gold boosts are “cheaters” and “liars?” Fine, but the only thing you have experience in PvP-wise is losing.

Boosters aren’t why you’re hard stuck 1700.


Maybe this will be the push Blizzard needs to actually address dead or dying realms? Players on them quitting or transferring away until nobody plays on them.

This game is god awful outside of group content. I have no idea how people do daily callings let alone herbing and mining. It’s nauseatingly boring and most of us have a max time available of 3 to 4 hours a night. We aren’t in college anymore the age of the playerbase has risen unlimited freetime just isn’t a thing anymore unless you are mooching off someone. Boosting allowed people to continue to play high end while having jobs and responsibilities outside wow.

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Preach it sister.

Thanks for putting wrong words into my mouth. If you re-read my original post, I merely questioned the poster how they know what exactly the “intended way the game is to be experienced”.

How arrogant are you to think that buying carries is not a valid way of experiencing the game?

How are you 48% win rate in 2s at 1800 on your Warrior if you are 2400 in 3s? You should be hard carrying 1800 bracket. This is so obvious.

Every other character you have is 1800 hardstuck.


have a toon in coilfang korthia is empty , you literally cant do bosses and content gets increasingly harder without people .

Sadly these people are unable to do high end content, so the idea of them paying for consumeables / alt gearing with the skill you have in the game is unfathomable to them.

Blizzard will see that and if they try to advertise on realms that guild doesn’t play on for boosts, probably action it anyways.

Because it isnt. Play the game yourself, or dont play at all.


SELL :clap:BOE :clap:RAID :clap:DROPS

You have several months between raid tiers. I’m sure you and your guild of “elite” players can manage to make some gold or stock up on mats and consumables when the price drops after the initial push like it always does.

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Tell them to transfer to one of the big realms :slight_smile: That’s their only option now lol.

The thing is, it is 100% pay2win.

They’re paying real life cash for power in the game.

Again, WoW is more pay2Win than BDO.