For those of you who don’t know me, I’m DesMephisto, I run a speed leveling discord with over 2300 members, I have the world record for fastest 20-120 as a non monk, and you’ve seen my routes for 20-100 in Azeroth Auto Pilot. I’ve been trying to showcase that heirlooms are broken for a while now and need to be buffed. We were dismissed because there was only a fixation on the azerite traits, which obviously do very little damage. However the primary and secondary stats were ignored, alongside the defensive traits such as resounding protection (if you have 3 of these, you are a literal god at 119).
Some more details:
For levels 111-115 I was using 2 azerite pieces (Helm and shoulders)
I followed the exact same route to the best of my ability. The 20-30% exp changed up some time points, and I did my best to stay true to the nature of the route.
The last part of Nazmir had a ton of RP that the heirloom part didn’t have to go through slowing it down significantly (by about 6 minutes). I could have corrected for this by going to vol’dun instead, but I wanted to maintain the route as close as possible and not change it.
I did not have best in slot azerite traits for DPS, I did have defensive traits such as cold steel, hot blood and resounding protection that increase my ability to live drastically when compared to heirlooms.
The biggest difference was seen in 113-114 where the ability to utilize azerites higher primary stat and defensive allowed me to claw thru a lot of the more challenging content in Zuldazar that was nearly impossible to accomplish with heirloom pieces (and in one case, was in fact, impossible)
The text is very small for the numbers so I’ll put down the raw data
112 - 33:26
113 - 32:14
114 - 43:02
115 - 37:44
116 - 39:55
117 - 35:30
118 - 35:17
119 - 38:14
120 - 38:23
20-30% EXP (2-3 azerite pieces, changes at level 115)
112 - 35:21
113 - 35:08
114 - 26:35
115 - 37:53
116 - 39:28
117 - 32:42
118 - 40:30
119 - 35:16
120 - 41:40
Total Time vs Total Time
5:33:45 vs 5:24:33
I forgot to mention, I have 26 warriors at 120, 19 of which are horde warriors. I…am very familiar with 110-120, to say the least.