1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Well then you’re complacent about the subject and should care if it bothers someone else’s idea of what they should get.

You kinda dont even need to post if you’re just one of the people that says you’re okay with what you’re getting.

It is still telling that this thread has twice as many likes as the stickied blue one.


Hmm more likes than the pinned blue post? That cant be right. Everyone should like 1.12 better its the most complete right? :thinking:

Makes me wonder how many likes it would have gotten had it been the same text but not blue.

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Actiblizz is known for making stupid mistake after stupid mistake. Just shows they are incapable of delivering true classic and will continue to be outperformed by private servers. It could just be though that they are tired of running a company and are trying to run it into the ground as cheaply as possible while stuffing their own pockets.

Its just sad that a hot pocket fan can deliver more accurate classic servers than blizz can themselves…that said think im gonna go look for one, sorry blizz but you just punted the wrong goblin (they blow up when punted) and now you dont have a leg left to stand on.

I dont know whats been going on in gaming companies heads lately but they seem to be trying to outdo one another in stupid mistakes. We can yell all we want that they made a mistake but they will never listen. Blizz said we would get plain classic…not classic with sprinkles yet they try to sneak them through anyways.

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I am seriously thinking about a private server if Blizzard takes the easy way out and goes 1.12.

That will be the last straw that broke the camels back for me!


Troll post? Yeah, alright, everyone suffers while this guy goes to sleep and he thinks it’s cool. The lot of you begging for AV battles which drags on for days won’t even be participating because you’ll be sleeping or doing something IRL. But you think it’s “cool.”

This is what world PvP is for, man. Not AV.

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I completely disagree. I think AV when made more consistent and take days becomes it’s own “realm” of war. With 1.5 there were so many different ways you could contribute to that war that you did not always just have to just rush to the front line.

It left the table open for role players to have an instance they could leave and come back to the next day and with no CRBGs you would see the same friends and form bonds and the same enemies and make rivalries which is HUGE for immersion even for non RPers. (I dont roleay myself but just became aware of this recently by a RPers post)


Who suffers?? There are ques for AV and if you don’t like long matches there two great BGs that fill the niche for guys who want to run quick games to rank up honor.

World pvp is great, but after they drop BGs there won’t be consistent world pvp.

What is the point of AV in your view.? My take away from the comments is that some view AV as a means to an ends (gear) for others (like me) playing in the drawn out stalemate games and logging in out was the end game.


I don’t understand.

Blizzard: Announces servers will be patch 1.12 years ago
Fans: Okay
Also Blizzard: AV will also be 1.12

Players: Weve been asking for original AV and vanilla wow servers for years.
Blizzard: Hey enough people have shown interest were gonna do classic servers
Players: We want it to be as close as possible and we still want the epic version of AV and we want more content patches instead if all at once also no loot trading.
Blizzard: were gonna give you an altered loot trading that most people can live with and more content patches but AV will be the modern version without reinforcements.
Players: Hey guys we want to show enough support for the older av so you change your mind on this like you’ve shown to open to.
Salty trolls: But it was in vanilla no changes!!! When I wanted a change you guys said no changes so I’m gonna a troll and say no changes reeeeereeeereee.



We tried very hard to create a battle experience that felt like Warcraft; we want you to feel like you are part of a larger conflict, with the potential for lots of strategy and tactics beyond a simple mob of players crashing into each other.

I never considered it content that required you to be involved in all the way from start to finish. Given how they envisioned things with that quote above, I would love to get back to that instead of the watered down version that moved away from that sentiment.

  • We asked for the earlier version of AV since the nerfs began in vanilla.
  • We asked for the earlier version in a variety of polls throughout the last 10+ years.
  • We asked for the earlier version when we were encouraged to communicate to them what versions of vanilla elements we preferred.
  • We asked for the earlier version when they said 1.12 would be the “foundation”.
  • We are still asking for the earlier version since they dropped the news that they are going with 1.12 AV because the early version was “hard” and “gross”, in the hopes they change their stance and finally take notice of what we have been asking for for well over a decade.

The problem is 1.5 really embodies this sentiment,

a simple mob of players crashing into each other.

Those of us who actually played it know that not to be true beyond the initial push.


And I could just as easily say that those who actually played 1.12 know that it’s not just a zerg and tactics and strategy are important.

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Sure you could, but relative to 1.5 it was quite different.

This is true, 1.5 emphasized the pve aspect of the BG more.

Which resulted in more overall PVP compared to 1.12.


Maybe per match, but that’s not saying much if you have matches lasting for days instead of hours.