AV Cave Rez situation

Horde don’t even have a strat. They just run mid and win due to the massive map and racial advantages.


Look, he knows that quite well. It will not however stop him from trotting that argument out over and over in the future.

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I guess if you wanna just ignore all the overwhelming and obvious facts that show this to be false…



We are not against map balance. We are against your assertion that mAp iMbAlAnCe is the cause of your abysmal win rate.
YOU are the cause, and those like you.
(and blizzard is well aware of that fact)

Apparently horde is whatever you need to be to suit your agenda. They are brainless zergers of midfield… until you need to switch to them being master tacticians preventing any counter strategy.

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So this is fair, if horde just zerged we’d see a ~50% win ratio.

A handful of horde playing D can easily win however.

Also Zyrius


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Its almost like you cant read.

Sure you can use defense and strategy to cause the game to go long in 1.12 which is what we see now and even more so when alliance had a reason to defend for long periods due to druids.

However with the map as it is that essentially guarantees a horde victory as it would in 1.5 and every other version of vanilla AV.

However a game that always gives one team a win and the other a loss causes people to not play so alliance stopped playing because the map basically wins the game for the horde if they opt to use it, this caused the horde queues to skyrocket and stay much higher than the AB or WSG queues, to both sides detriment.

If horde want to play more AV they need to play faster games that they can lose or they need the map to change. Without either of those things happening Alliance will not come back to play. Just like you would stop playing chess if every time you got to take a move your opponent got 2 moves. Sure you could win if your opponent is terrible but against any competent opponent you will lose and that is essentially what the map is currently for horde.

Nothing he has said is in conflict so you constantly bringing it up like some kind of gotcha just makes you look like the idiot you are.


So “near the same time” means teleporting around and being everywhere at once then?

I mean somehow horde have 40 attacking SHGY, and 40 at IBGY, while having 40 at SFGY if your numbers are to be believed. And after horde cap SHGY we have 40 attacking SPGY and 40 at IWB choking you off from going south with perfect knowledge of where your stealth players are AND horde are somehow immune to aoe by your beliefs…

Please learn to actually read instead of making up stupid stawman arguments.

Sure alliance could send stealth teams to go take southern GYs but would be stopped by a couple horde because horde can rez and alliance cannot.

Considering when assaulting SPGY every single horde on offense will rez at SHGY go through IWB and head to SP yes they will all be there and every horde that is killed goes right back to SHGY to defend.

You only have to defend IBGY if you lose it because softcapping it does nothing due to cave, so a couple numerical advantage pushes at SH if teams are close to equal have a decent shot at taking it securing the win. OR they can just turn around a fraction of the team and retake IBGY due to reinforcement advantage.

So did alliance split? If not they lose SH then quickly lose IBGY. If they did they still might lose SH and will also lose IBGY because for every 2 people the alliance can send to IBGY, the horde can send 1 and maintain a numerical advantage in 2 locations.

When the horde assault SP they do not have to split there forces to maintain defense on a southern GY that they lose the game if they lose they get a nice choke to hold while they control most of the map and push forward with free access to lok+wing commanders +wolves something the alliance do not get till they hardcap IBGY.

These are separate situations because when analyzing strategy, something you claim to be able to do, yet never show any ability at. You need to examine various states in the game and what can be done in those states by both sides.

You also learn to cut off extraneous branches which are not likely to happen or require such obsurd conditions to setup that it is not worth planning around. Like in hearthstone there is currently a deck that can win the game on turn 1, but its not a meta thing because it requires such insane odds to pull off that its basically worthless to consider outside of interesting theory. Those are basically all of your suggestions.


The game is not giving horde the win. You are.

Once again demonstrating why blizzard ignores you.


The cave rez is not as bad as you seem to think.

no i want Korrak back

Why do you believe this?

i dont think you realize how many strategies you can do in AV. But keep blaming horde imbalance instead of learning to play the bg and learning how to coordinate with your team.

The only times I’ve lost in AV on horde was when the horde didnt listen to each other. Horde is more coordinated than alliance. Thats why they win more. You keep complaining about stuff that matters very little when it all comes down to is your team.

Because theres more than one strategy to win. Alliance doesnt want to defend SH long enough to get Ivus and ram riders up because they are impatient. Horde is impatient too and if alliance turtles for long enough horde will start afking or start getting lazy leaving souther objectives unguarded. Alliance has the high ground at SHGY.

If blizzard added back all the npcs, the npcs help players defend easier to get turn ins completed faaster.


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I actually agree with your first point. In this version of the map, the best chance Alliance has to win is to turtle SH until Ivus is up. But the fact that you need the assistance of a raid boss to push through IBGY is a clear indicator that something is wrong.

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That works both ways though. A good Alliance group can hold SHGY indefinitely and the only thing that breaks it is Ice Dad.

I have to post on this stupid alt since the forums appear to be bugged atm, but this post sounds like you’re trying to conflate SHGY and IBGY. Is that what you’re trying to do?

Absolutely not. IBGY is way easier to defend. I am saying that just requiring a raid boss to break the turtle isn’t a good enough reason for why the strategy is bad because that same thing applies to SHGY with a full and dedicated turtle.
The cave respawn definitely makes IBGY far easier to defend with a lot more room for error out of the defenders. It makes it so that Horde doesn’t have to turtle to get Ice Dad out. That’s a far sight different than SHGY.
Edit: Strategy is bad isn’t what I am going for, but I am failing to come up with a different way of putting it that is more accurate. I think you get the gist.

Right so the horde group just has to turtle at IBGY until they summon the ice guy.