1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Per play session. Scroll up: I posit that playing from beginning to end complete was not the original vision of the BG. You were “part of a larger conflict”.

Per play session I got more pvp out of 1.12 as well, why? Because my primary opponent was the other faction not NPC’s.

The NPCs that otherwise would have prevented you from simply riding past the enemy players in the early version.

Sorry cupcake, but the suggestion that more PVP happened per session in 1.12 doesn’t hold water.


Except I could specifically choose to you know not ride past the other faction. The BG is a lot more fun when you don’t have to rely on NPC’s to enforce a specific play style.

If you were getting less pvp post 1.12 that was a you problem, suger cookie.

I bet you could also propose that you could RP Walk from one end of the map to the other. Doubtful you would bet much “PVP” in as you stand in front of the enemy zerg to the point where your :poop: is pushed in.

Sorry, sweatmeats, standing solo against a zerg is not “PVP”.

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And why would you do that, weren’t you just glorifying tactics and strategy? Maybe use some and fight back effectively.

We were talking about your claim that you would choose to not ride past the enemy faction.

That hardly means run straight into their rush :slight_smile: but then that’s that whole using strategy and tactics thing I was talking about :slight_smile:

I thought we were getting Classic WoW…

Nobody can honestly say “Classic” Alterac Valley is the 1.12 version. Classic AV is 1.5 or 1.8


That 1.12 is not authentic vanilla is not an uncommon opinion, it is however one not shared by blizzard.

Ah, thanks.

This guy right here, this guy knows the score.


Bump so blues can remain reminded this is a huge concern.


I don’t see why we can’t just have progressive updates for AV. Like 1.5 phase one, 1.8 phase two, 1.12 phase three. The only reason not to do this is laziness.

You guys are absolutely hilarious. Battlegrounds are a blip on the radar. You’ll get 1.12 AV and like it.


It is as much a blip on the radar as raids are for raiders.
But your perpetual trolling is duly noted.


Be nice - some of these guys don’t understand what is going to happen.

Others do, and just want to get their rep as fast as possible so they can get back to raiding.

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I have yet to see anyone actually argue in favor of 1.12. There are only people who want an earlier version, and people who don’t care and just don’t want to read the argument, but for some reason are posting to the thread anyway.


That’s because you only see what you want to see. The fact is everyone’s Vanilla experience was different. Some people played when the 1.5 was out and that is what they want, some didn’t see it til 1.12 and that is what they will want.

I personally don’t have a problem with either version or heck one in the middle even as all of those versions are authentic to Vanilla whether people in this thread like that statement or not. It is factually correct and can not be argued.

My contention is simply to say that just because you feel 1.5 is the best version doesn’t make it so, but someone saying 1.12 is the best version doesn’t make it so either.

I have no issues with people asking for a certain version of content that existed, that is why we are here, but they do need to keep in mind that what they see as the definitive AV and what someone else may see can be two different things and both be correct.

Blizzard is not destroying anything by not giving you exactly what you want. They stated very early on, and we knew very early on, that we would not get every single thing that happened during the course of Vanilla.

Also keep in mind, and its yet another statement that Blizzard has repeated constantly over the years, if people are happy about something then they are less likely to make that sentiment known. Most people are not going to waste time debating something they are perfectly happy with.

I disagree in this situation.
Classic forums overall have been a huge tug-o-war whenever someone asks for something that goes against what others ask for.

Also I must point out that of all of the update posts by the blues, the 1.12 AV one is the ONLY one not in 3 digit likes while all others are over 300 and it has by far the most comments with the overall tone being dominated by disappointment in general.

Yes there are people who are okay with 1.12 AV. For me it won’t kill Classic by far. But there are those that are making a full stand for 1.5 and they overall in forums wise seem to have a greater support than those arguing against them.

If people actually wanted 1.12 AV over 1.5 en mass they’d be arguing against 1.5’ers big time. We’ve seen how that goes in Classic forums. It’s mostly because of the “this is our chance” feel we all have with Classic coming out finally.

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