Alliance is- regularly winning AV now?

Yeah they fixed the cave locations so alliance win now…oh wait…no map change and alliance are now winning back like they did in phase 3… It’s almost as if the cave locations don’t affect the outcome…HAHA NO COULDNT BE THAT. CHANGE CAVES NOW PLX TY TY TY


You just got really lucky and qued into some awful horde teams. Most serious pvpers are done with bgs and what’s left of horde is just as pathetic as the allies still qing av. It’s made the game winnable again because horde are actually awful beyond belief

Make no mistake though the alliance are still losing almost every single match. They might win 1/5 on the bonus weekend

Combination of AV weekend and horde being complacent and/or willing to base race.

And if this was the norm like it was in vanilla there wouldn’t be an issue :slight_smile:

But then you don’t understand context.


Context is impossible with citing your past trolling, seeing as you have flipflopped positions so often, for that sweet sweet blue dot dopamine.

Enjoy your queue times on non AV weekends :slight_smile:

Have yet to ever complain about horde queues though? I had long queues on MalGanis during vanilla, have long queues now. :man_shrugging: edit: In fact, I would accept even LONGER queues if blizzard would implement Korrak’s Revenge into classic.
Another swing and a miss, troll.

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Enjoy your queue times troll :slight_smile:

Finally the pretense of actually caring about classic AV is done away with, if you even play it.

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This. The super low win rate is because Alliance just gave up and stopped trying to win because a 10 minute loss is more honor/rep per hour than a 2 hour win. And they can just queue again and get into another AV in 10-15 minutes, compared to Horde having 90+ minute queues.


Do you actually believe this?

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Even many alliance players have stated as much. Do you actually NOT believe it?

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Lol 50/50? Are you actually mentally disabled? What a joke! :joy:


When have you ever had a 10 minute loss? That doesn’t happen. Alliance lose after 30 pretty routinely.

Do you not understand an Alliance win ALWAYS depends on the Horde? Even on other AV weekends I have never seen so many terrible Horde in my life.

Capping SHB and DB and then LEAVING… trickling into IBGY one by one … casting SS on HEALERS fer cryin’ out loud… running AROUND Alliance at IBGY… sitting at SF… afk…

Seriously every win has been against Horde doing the most hilarious things.

Yeah not 50/50. Near wins have been against Horde playing very mediocre. When Horde aren’t running around like crazy people it’s always a loss.

During AV weekend, yes it’s about 50/50 from a horde perspective of about 5 games a day due to queue times. Alliance can cry their eyes out all day, every day, over map advantages, but they lose because they stopped trying after the bubble pull was patched out.

Cry some more.


Of course I don’t.

Im around the .500 mark after 20 games.