Terran buffs of 2020

TerranicII is one of the most moderate and respected members of battlenet forums community ; and his knowledge, including the one he has from SC1, often makes for instructive posts, where the relative strength of units can be put in perspective compared to BW.

The pathfinding (and displacement speed IMO) evolution consequence on the relative strength of AoE in particular was instructive.

Since you seem to have trouble differentiating biased users from regular players, I’ll give you some clues :

  • A single race point of view (almost never arguing about the consequences in other MU’s than the one of their own race)
  • Some sort of focusing perspective on a specific (hated) opposing race
  • Lots of whining (complaints about the other race being too strong, about their own race being too weak, repeated balance request instead of asking of to work upon their own skills).

I just found a recent example of it, which I’d like to share with you :

There, you’ll see we have each and every sign of bias we described :
— Exclusively Protoss point of view
— Focused almost exclusively on Terrans from only the Protoss’ perspective
— Repeated complaints about his own race being weak (=whining)
— Repeated complaints about hated race being strong (= whining)
— Repeated balance requests resulting from above points (=whining)

What’s even more interesting is that this example is so extreme, that not only he considers ALL of the hated race members to be biased, but also progressively takes neutral stances as biased (such as the developers, which aren’t players), as they by definition sometimes differ from his perspective (since it’s not a neutral one). That individual, unaware of his exclusive cognition, is slowly turning towards a paranoïd conclusion, where every single point of view different from his can only be caused by bias (from his own perspective).

You won’t find any of that in Terranic’s threads and contributions. On the contrary, he reported bugs regarding Microbial Shroud in PvZ, proving by that that his view aren’t exclusively from a Terran viewpoint.

If could give you a piece of advice, ErazorZ, it would be not to turn like that individual. Whining won’t make him a better player, nor only considering his own single perspective and seeing conspiracy everywhere a respected community member.