………Clearly you didn’t read again.
The EMP radius change affects all Protoss units equally. It is not a targeted nerf to Archons like you were claiming.
Feedback is used to disable casters. That has always been its role, killing casters when they have low health and tons of energy is just a bonus.
So let me get this straight: Removing all energy from a caster doesn’t shut down said caster?
Yes, that is why all spells were weakened from their Brood War counterparts. Feedback was the only exception until recently.
That has no effect on Feedback, nor does it have a significant effect on many single target units.
For splash units the effect varies greatly because the same improved path-finding that allows increased clumping also allows units to close the distance to their enemy much faster, which makes units like Siege Tanks and target area spells like Blinding-Cloud/Disruption-Web and Dark-Swarm/Microbial-Shroud less effective.
You seem to hate StarCraft period.
There are plenty of games where you can build up a large death-ball and a-move 95% of the time. Army Men RTS and AOE3 are two such examples. Grey Goo is another one, but the slow movement speed and multiple paths present on most maps throughout that game still often force players to split their army.
StarCraft has a lot more nuance than that, and for most of its history splash damage and spells have punished that kind of behavior.
Once again, you have such bad reading comprehension that I question what grade you are in.
No, the Mule is not at all relevant to the SCV’s health or any harassment units’ damage. SCVs themselves are slowest workers to produce and replace particularly in the early-game where the exact number of hits needed to kill workers matters most. There will also be few Mules if any on the map at that time and plenty of mining lost to building construction. That should all be fairly obvious.
That is a player choice, not a justification to increase the damage of Adepts against SCVs in the early-game where that can be problematic.
If a Protoss player decides to make a few Adepts for harassment at that point they will consistently 2-shot workers. Adepts will also have a much easier time reaching the third or fourth base than the main and natural which are more likely to be walled off.
Yes, because they deal spell damage. Spell damage never benefits from normal weapon upgrades because it ignores armor entirely. This can easily cause a unit’s scaling to grow out of hand.
I personally wouldn’t mind if Oracles received 1 extra damage from weapon upgrades or from a unit-specific upgrade, but if Oracles scaled normally they would get 36-40% more powerful over the course of the game and arguably be overpowered by that point.
You are projecting again. There are not many posters as biased as you on the forums. You who always looks at everything from one extremely narrow viewpoints and lashes out at all others who do not share that view.
Simply accusing others of being biased doesn’t make you neutral, objective, reasonable, or fair in any way.