I can show you countless of replays where a terran just spams widow mines with MMM and literally presses T and amoves around, whilst running back behind there mine lines whenever pushed.
And guess what… all terran units have range, so they can just shoot at retreating armies, Zealots dont have range however. Guess what happens…
Either zealots die to mines, or zealots die to the MMM while retreating, without being able to do damage. And zealots are basically the only gateway unit that doesnt trade cost ineffective in the early stages.
ussually straight after that they are BM ‘stuttering’ forward wich has no use at all seeing my units are already slowed from the mass marauder with concussive. And all my zealots already died. So the rest of my gateway units get evaporated.
protoss still doesnt have a good gateway unit.
This amove playstyle needs to get dealt with. Widow mine type units should never have this much impact on a game.
You can whipe 100’s of workers without actuall micro. You can basically cost efficiently fight everything protoss has with mines aslong as you kill the observers. (and even scanning to kill observers with mines IS cost efficient even if the numbers dont say it, robo should always be making stuff and because of the observer speed nerf its almost guaranteed to get another shot off on the mine or retreat)
You have them very early on in the game and you can reactor them.
There are no reall counters to mines. You are guaranteed to lose workers. Even if its only 1 per mine (best case scenario). Its still a worker. (and ALLOT of lost mining time)
Mines force protoss APM to be spent on defending, splitting probes intime, having units on the right side of the map. Killing the widow mines, rerallying probes to mine again after theyr split, focusfiring the mines, focusfiring the medivac. While terran doesnt have to spend any APM to burrow a mine and if a terran decides to actually unburrow he can actually save the mine and do it all over again.
So if blizzard is seriously saying protoss has a better economy then terran. Either give protoss BETTER static defense. (turrets vs warpprism comes in mind)
Or give protoss a solid way to deal with mines early on. (buff stalker damage or decrease mine health)
Or make mines harder to use by forcing terran to actuall be required to click the thing they want a mine to explode. Not this automated “burrow auto attack”.
Because the harrass potential terran has, to basically win a game instantly, even if protoss is ahead a base. is way out of proportion, especially if you look at the only ways to do eco damage to terran is by warpprism zealot spam. and terran just being able to make turrets and be automatically safe.