[Main Thread] - Commander Levels Reset

Having this issue for a week now.

I’m a level 155 commander, I leveled Raynor and Artanis to 15, while Kerigan is still level 2
but since a few days ago they’re all level 5

Same issue as other. First three commanders reset to level 5. Logging in and out did NOT fix it.

Having the same issue here, hope Blizz can resolve it soon. This is really frustrating

Since May 8, my Co op Commander Artanis was de-leveled from 15 to 5. I hope the developer can fix my and other who was affected by the bug.

Hello, I am having this problem where my 3 commanders are reset and capped at level 5, artanis, raynor, kerrigan.

I also can’t level kerrigan past 5. I haven’t leveled the other 2.

Did you report it on a different character? The only one I see is from 8 hours ago which is part of the recent recurrence which started affecting players with last week’s maintenance.

It has been intermittent. Reports ebb and flow as the issue appeared and was resolved. I agree that it has been a recurrent problem, but not that it has been consistent one.

Based of the community, the last recurrence was resolved at the end of March and the last maintenance was May 2nd.

Correcting emotionally charged exaggerations is not minimizing players’ issues. Others who come here who don’t know any better could take those misrepresentations as facts.

Yes, there’s been a lot of short staff issues in many industries. However, the state of SC2 is not due to the pandemic; it’s not going to improve as staffing recovers. It’s because SC2’s development has ended. Many of the SC2 team members left the company, leaving little, if anyone, who have intimate knowledge of the entire game’s code and systems.

For example, in coop alone, there are hundreds of community found bugs that were handed over to Bliz at the end of March. The individual replied that they would pass the list on, but wasn’t sure anything would be fixed (because development is over).

The message here is that the speed and efficacy of bug fixing in SC2 is forever changed. SC2 is retired from the active catalog. Often people refer to this stage in a game’s life as “on life support”, meaning just enough is done to keep the game up and running and only addressing the game breaking bugs.

Like I said earlier, I don’t like the situation any more than the next person, but there is a reality that has to be (at least) understood when choosing to play an out of development video game.

My reynor is locked at 5 and it appears other commanders have had some levels reset but not all. Haven’t tested kerrigan or artanis to 5 to see if they will lock as well

I also now have Reynor and Artanis dropped down to level 5. Please fix this Blizzard! and then please give me the experience for those commanders back!

Apologies if misunderstood.
My message is that not only was the manner of your attempted defusal of the situation concerning, the fact that all that is going on is dismissing of concerns is the more alarming issue.
How one categorizes bugs can determine whether a single bug is one bug, or hundreds of line of code that needs to be examined for connections and unintended consequences of changes. It shouldn’t really matter how difficult an issue is to fix if it is a known issue that has resurfaced. That means someone there is doing something with a dev console.
Maybe I’m the relic of a bygone era, but I’d rather hear about what you can tell us Blizzard is doing about the situation to make it better rather than tell us how many holes the boat has and how the duct tape is sticking oh so well. I definitely wouldn’t want to publicly echo the idea that the product people are spending their hard earned money on is “on life support.”

Hey there,

I wanted to provide an update here.

It looks like we have done some work to try and address this so please recheck and see if everything is back to normal. Let us know here if everything looks good or if you are still seeing the commanders reset.

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15 minutes ago I completed a game with Raynor and the issue still persisted.
Now the issue is resolved. It’s funny how things work sometimes.

EDIT: Mine are fixed, others still have this issue.

I just checked my account and seems to be fine, the levels of the free characters were restored.

Thanks for the support.

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(post deleted by author)

Hi there,

Im also facing the same issue. Could you help me resolve it. Thanks.

My levels have been restored thanks!

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Restored for now, ty supports

Commanders level restored, thanks blizzard

Just checked and everything is restored. Thanks for your help and effort :slight_smile: :grinning:

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