[Main Thread] - Commander Levels Reset

My levels were restored. Wasn’t sure if it happened after I played a game with a different character or if it was something you all did.

My issue has been resolved thank you

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My commanders are back to lvl 15, thank you very much! :smiley:

Mine is back to 8! Thank you

thank you for the update! I hope this problem won’t come back again next time :slightly_smiling_face:

12 or so hours since my last login. At this time, it appears that my commanders are back to where they should be.

Artanis stuck on 5 after leveling trying file checking and reinstall and still broken

My levels are working again, which is great. Here’s hoping the maintenance scheduled for 40 minutes from now doesn’t break them again :frowning:

My levels are back. Thank you for the fix.

all my commanders are reset to 0. anyone else?

I had my commander levels yesterday, logged in just now and they are all at zero

finally fixed, thanks!
they did originally show level 0 at first, but after a few moments, everything fixed itself.

I haven’t played SC2 in two years, but logging in all of my commanders are level 0 and I have multiple items missing from my account. Achievements are bugged and even the profile Icon I have equipped is nowhere in my inventory.

Had to relog twice, but it finally fixed itself.

I have the same issue, all my commandes are in 0. :frowning:

My heroes are now 5, before they were 15! I am on EU and login correct region. Also very often I cannot finish missions. Then we have to alt f4 on reward screen
Commander lvl back to normal after relogging couple of times, BUT
I still cannot finish missions. Anyone in Coop with me is stuck and won’t get exp

All my commanders that were passing 5 for the first time are capping. I did everything, log out, log in, internet reset, CPU reset, upgraded my internet connection, Please help, only the ones that were passed level 5 are progressing, only 4…Thanks

The first few commanders should be unlocked thanks to the first 3 being free, and the next thanks to having bought the collector edition of the game.
But the others need to be bought, and I assume you didn’t buy them due to the lack of a feat of strength indicating it (well at least I learned the achievements page now work at least sometimes, something that hasn’t been the case for a very long time).

Thanks, I had never played the game before in this mode and I though I had bought everything.

My commander levels have also reset. I have 20 mastery points and recall my Kerrigan was level 15 but she’s now back to 1. Please help.