Cost Efficiency: Raynor

Late last year I started making charts comparing unit’s based off of their cost or supply versus their hp and damage. I had to stop as I wasn’t able to continue posting pictures.

Well, I can again so I figure I’ll start it back up. To better keep it up I decided to split them up based on commander and make a series on them. At the end I’ll make a mega post for them all as well.

So without further ado:


Renegade Commander




Fun fact, with both mech attack speed and drop pod speed maxed (and active), Battlecruisers fire 9.5 times a second.


Please note that these all boil things down to simple numbers, there are lots of variables that effect how things actually play out in game as well.

Any upgrades not mentioned (such as attack/armour upgrades and upgrades like Firebat Juggernaut Armour) are already included in the charts.

Super calldowns (like Hyperion) and Heroes I’ll be assigning a cost as well, the same as Tychus’ Outlaws, for the sake of comparison.


I feel like this should be under each and every post you make from now on.

Interesting, thank you.

Don’t firebat and vulture have more than 200 and 75 hp, due to vanadium plating?

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Yes, yes they do. I forgot that was part of it when I was doing them, the other units it affects (that were done right) were from the other thread, it’s been a while… Thanks for pointing it out.

edit: corrected. thanks again

Once again awesome work Rick

Ok as much as I don’t want to be “that guy”…

Drop pod speed bonus on factory and starport units?

They do drop…they get the bonus, just not as often

Eh, do it, so many numbers I’m bound to miss things as I go. I’m a grown man, I can take it. This way I catch them and can fix it.

That’s honestly why I didn’t include it, cause they don’t get as often as the bio. If you folks would like it I can add it in.

I’ve updated the mech and air with the Drop Pod mastery. So many numbers now.