Cost Efficiency: Artanis

Below are tables breaking down all of the units for the commander, comparing their HP and DPS versus their various costs. Largely provided for entertainment purposes .


Hierarch of the Daelaam





Please note that these all boil things down to simple numbers, there are lots of variables that effect how things actually play out in game as well.

Any upgrades not mentioned (such as attack/armour upgrades and upgrades like Firebat Juggernaut Armour) are already included in the charts.

Super calldowns (like Hyperion) and Heroes I’ll be assigning a cost as well, the same as Tychus’ Outlaws, for the sake of comparison.

If I’ve missed anything, please let me know. With so many numbers I’m bound to miss things as I go.

Already completed:
Raynor: Renegade Commander
Kerrigan: Queen of Blades


Phoenix cost 150 minerals +100 gas = 250 combined, not 350.

Could you show reaver dps when limited by scarab build time (with mastery too)?

Your friendly reminder that overkill is kinda insane, so I guess the low damage/cost is less relevant? Also, 6 anti air tempest range :open_mouth:

You’re good at catching these, thanks for the help. I’ll fix it when I can.

When I get a chance I’ll add Reaver /w build time, that’s a good point to add.

Well now I’m dedicated :stuck_out_tongue:

Phoenix fixed and Reaver build dps added, thanks again.

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Shield Overcharge added

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Very cool. Good job!

Why is the psi storm dps 0.84? A little confused since it definitely does more than 1 damage a second. Still love your work!

Edit: Read your other articles and it makes sense now.