I need to ask if abilities removed from the game are available in the workshop. I really want to test/mess around with old hero abilities. If not I really hope you add them in with a future version of the workshop.
I’ve been awaiting the game editor for a while as you can see.
I’m interested in being able to edit heroes/abilities all the same ways the devs can excluding things that would require artwork and stuff of that nature. I’m not asking for a map editor just a more fleshed out custom games editor. I’d like to be able to tweak abilities and heroes however I want.
This list is just the things I’ve come up with I’m sure there’s probably much more that can be done.
the ability input specific values and not have to use sliders
access to old hero abilities lik…
Any devs care to share this info? I don’t mean more options for the custom games I mean an editor more like what the devs use. I want to be able to edit abilities, heroes, and ultimates by specific values and not use sliders. I want to be able to edit anything I can think of. The current custom games settings are pretty limited in edit options even then it isn’t specific values it’s just sliders or turning something on or off.
Would love to hear from the devs on the release of a public version of their editor they use for editing heroes and their abilities. And I don’t mean a map editor for those who might get confused. I mean a better version of the custom games settings more akin to the editors for Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2. It would also be good to know if we could get access to abilities and ultimates removed from the game.
For example
shield generator and teleporter ultimates
projected photon barrier
soul orb…
I would really love to customize heroes and their abilities however I want. The custom game settings just can’t edit certain things and everything has either on/off or a slider. It would also be great if it included abilities removed from the game.
Symmetra’s old ultimates, abilities, and attacks
mass ressurect
Reaper’s soul orbs
scatter arrow
Bastion’s frontal shield
There might be more but i can’t remember at the moment.
Really wish the hero/gamer editor was available for us to use. The custom games settings are nice but are lacking and they were supposed to be a placeholder for a much more in depth editor. It would be great if the editor included abilities and ultimates removed from the game as well. Even abilities removed during the Beta like Bastion’s frontal barrier. That’s the only one I remember getting removed during Beta though.
Q: So one of the questions we get every year, but how do you feel about player-made content in Overwatch - in terms of skins, maps, and possibly heroes?
A (Jeff Kaplan): Actually we love player created content, and when I say “we”, I mean Blizzard. We love to look back at the Starcraft 2 Editor, the Warcraft 3 Editor - I mean DOTA wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the Warcraft 3 Editor, the World of Warcraft XML and LUA scripting - these are all examples of where we really embrace the communit…
You talked in the past about continuously adding on to the custom games options. Well I’m requesting the editor the devs use for Hero customization. Custom games are nice but they don’t offer anywhere near the level of customization I want to experiment with. I want an editor with Warcraft 3 & Starcraft 2 levels of customization.
It would also be great if abilities that were removed from the game were available in the editor as well.
Bastion’s frontal barrier
Reaper’s soul globes
Symmetra’s …
Was wondering when we will see the release of the game editor. I remember either before or just after the game came out. Jeff talked about the editor coming 2-3 years after release ( I can’t remember where and can’t find it). Well we’re approaching the 3rd anniversary of the game. I know we have custom games settings but that was supposed to be a placeholder for the game editor.
Can we get a ballpark release date?
Also when the editor is released Myself and many others in the community would l…
It would be nice to have full creative freedom with hero editing even reverting them to previous versions. I’ll gladly mess around with making new heroes as well. But I really want old/removed hero abilities available.