What people don't get about Mercy mains complaining

You are debating to me whether or not mercy is underpowered.

Mercy has literally been THE most picked hero in every single tier of OW for over a year. Get your head out of the sand and realize that she is broken and unhealthy for OW.

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Personally I’m complaining as a Mercy main because I don’t think resurrect can be balanced. It does not belong in this game. It is infuriating to play against and boring and unsatisfying to use as Mercy. Many people feel that this ability has ruined the competitive scene. No other healer can compete with Mercy instantly bringing back an entire hero. I do think Mass Res could be balanced, however the devs have clearly stated that they do not want to return to that time. Plus the community would be outraged. The best thing to do would be to remove resurrect. If that makes Mercy too much of a troll pick they could give her a new E ability.

Instead of acknowledging this, the devs are just nerfing parts of Mercy’s kit that have never been a problem. They nerf her healing even though she’s the only dedicated healer. Mercy heals so much because she can’t do any damage. Do you remember how much of a troll pick Mercy was before her rework? People argued that having a Mercy on your team made it a 5v6. She was that bad. The other healers heal slightly less because they offer utility such as discord orb, speed boost and biotic grenade and can do more damage. A Moira can help the team get many elims while also healing potentially more than a Mercy.

I stopped playing Mercy when the healing nerf hit live. I’ve been playing Lucio, Zenyatta and Moira. It is actually worrying how often I was outhealing my team’s Mercy as Lucio. It is worrying how often I ended games with gold healing. I don’t even play healbot Lucio, I’m a pretty aggressive Lucio and yet I managed to outheal a hero that is supposed to be a main healer. Keep in mind this is in low masters where Mercy players are more competent.

Mercy only became good when she was given the ability to res potentially 2 people instantly. Even now after the resurrect “nerfs” she can still bring back a teammate every 30 seconds with no skill whatsoever. At least mass resurrect technically was on a resource metre. The Mercy who could survive the longest while healing her entire team got her ultimate quicker. Meanwhile now the most braindead Mercy with the worst positioning can still keep ressing consistently as long as she’s in a safe place.

Anyway, this is why I hate Mercy’s current state. Despite what I’ve seen some salty Ana mains say on this forum no, I don’t want Mercy to be OP. I started to main Mercy because as a person I always prefer to help others and I love to help other people have their moment of glory. I’d rather heal than do damage. So it saddens me to see Mercy struggling to heal tanks up. I’d rather see resurrect nerfed or even removed. Hell, even a damage boost nerf would be good instead of a healing nerf. After all she is meant to be a dedicated healer so why should she be able to boost so much damage?

Thank you for reading.


… Nowhere, in any of my posts, did I speak of whether or not Mercy was OP. We’re talking about whether or not Mercy players are ‘allowed’ to discuss their opinion on Mercy in the forums, actually, since YOU were the one here going ‘Why are Mercy mains complaining ALL THE TIME?’ as if they should be quiet because it annoyed you.


Yes! kinda… You see rez on E is boring to many mercy’s and the slow down just makes it feel horrible to many mercy players, but what a lot don’t like about her ult, is that it takes the challenge of her beams away when she uses it, that time you spent learning how to effectively keep an entire team alive beam juggling, well now valkyrie says forget that skill and its excitement now its aoe so you don’t even need to!

As opposed to what mass rez did which gave you a hero moment something you couldn’t do with your base kit, and just like beams it took practice a 5 man rez won’t win the fight 100% of the time, tempo rezzes had a higher chance to save them however by stopping a snowball before it got rolling too fast, to a point where even a 5 man couldn’t stop it. and with that was the skill a mercy had to learn, not to hold onto rez to get that sicc five man but rather learn how to use your rez to win the fight whether it be rezzing 1 person or 5 unlike valk where you don’t need to learn any skill to use it effectively you can even use it too early and still have it be in effect the whole fight and be equally effective as if you used it right as the fight started. and thats boring its a no skill ult and an E ability that feels horrible to use and relies on the skill of the other 11 players, yes even the dead ally’s skill in positioning is important to getting the rez off that isn’t fun it makes it feel worst to play her, she has changed in terms of her skill cieling and she has changed in terms of how her abilities make her feel yes her base kit of heal dmg boost and ga have stayed nearly the exact same, but that doesn’t mean those are enough to make her feel as good as she was


Mass rez is a different problem. It cultivated a hide until you can 5 man rez in a lot of players. It created a way to gain ez Sr and many players that didn’t belong in higher levels made it there through that exploit alone. That’s why they won’t revert it.

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They fixed that by the way, on top of that it was the worst way to play her… Again a misconception.


What planet are you on?

Everything about the way she heals and moves changed. Guardian angel used to instantly reset upon using Resurrect. Not only did this add mobility but also synergized with her kit. Mercy now needs to find cover to hide behind every 30 seconds and she is completely disabled during this time (-75% movement speed, she can’t crouch, she can’t jump, she can’t damage boost a teammate to finish off an aggressor, she can’t switch weapons, she can’t use weapons, she can’t fly to a teammate… Wow. Very mobile!) And on the opposite side of the spectrum, Valkyrie stops her from caring about who she is healing. All she has to do is hold space bar and point in the team’s general direction. One of the nerfs was a 50% reduction to guardian angel’s speed during Valkyrie. Her healing was reduced from 60 HP/s to 50 HP/s just the other day! What are you talking about???


Agree to disagree, her healing output doesnt make her less fun just less viable for a team in great need of healing.
She is still and always be my main healer because;

  1. She is still challenging and fun to play in a good game

  2. Her healing is still comparable to other healers as i still get about 10k average healing in quick play

Don’t get me wrong, it’s also annoying me all those nerfs she is getting and still think that her valkyrie ult is garbage compared to other heroes ults.

(Covering her ult quick) Else than getting you out of sticky situations and infinite ammo it’s not a game changer in anyway else than keeping yourself alive not actually helping the team.

  • Boring to play? Disagree, maybe you havent played her with the right team / comp
    *Rework? Agree, she need some ajustements
    *Must-pick? Disagree, unless you have a dive team or a pharah she is optinal as other healers can do about as much healing as her now. This is why they nerfed her healing so she isnt a must-pick anymore because she just as the best healing output and you know… rez.

So as i said, agree to disagree. She just need a counter-balance to that last healing nerf which i belive is what blizzard is trying to do in the long term. Yet this isnt a easy task to deal with as a lot of people will complain no matter what they do and if they dont do anything other people will complain.

They just keep messing with her nerfing her MORE and MORE into the ground! you say its only a 10hp reduction but add in all the other effects shes had done in the past… If i had to give up ANYTHING on mercy it would be the damage boost… it rarely gets used and it takes us away from the healing… not to mention we get yelled at for using pistol to protect our asses… Wake up buddy and for that fact WAKE UP BLIZZARD! and fix ya CRAP!


Doesn’t know how to play the game.

Damage boost is one of the best support skills in the game.

I’ve been saying that almost everything Mercy does feels slow and sluggish in her current state. The only part of her kit that feels smooth and natural at the moment is GA.

To stand still in the game is to die i hate her rez… I hate valk… i bloody hate the reworks shes getting. I agree she dose need a re work but ffs BLIZZARD LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO MAIN HER!!!


50hp/s is just enough to make sure you never get to do anything but sit there and hold m1. No damage boosting. No pistol. No taunting the enemy to try to bait them out of position.
Just sitting there and waiting for your teammates’ health bars to fill 17% slower.

Any why has our core gameplay been so eroded? To make room for E Rez and Valk, the two abilities we never wanted and never asked for.


It’s not a misconception when people actively did and will do it againif given the opportunity. You need to let go of any chance of a revert. Blizzard doesn’t do reverts and they’ll never bring back mass rez. If you don’t like the way Mercy plays there are plenty of heroes to choose from.

I didn’t have this experience at all playing the other day. I GA around almost constantly to get bonkers jukez

forced to play her? Isn’t she your main?

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There are things I agree with and disagree with that Titanium posts, but the post at the bottom of this I quoted pretty much contains what Mercy’s liked about old Rez and what is wrong with how current Rez plays out and why its a problem. I trimmed it to only the relevant parts to this discussion, and removed links/photos because the forums dislike them. If you truly want to understand why Mercys are so upset about how boring she is currently, actually take the time to read this and really try to empathize with someone who played the before and after when considering those points. If you don’t want to understand, then it’d be much appreciated if you’d stop trolling with deliberately incendiary comments.

If you want the less TLDR version; its that Mercy players want to work for what they get in the way that Mercy is supposed to function.

Unlike most DPS heros where it is just mechanical aim they had to improve at, Mercy’s challenges where prediction, anticipating how the match would play out and being where she was needed right before and as she became needed, identifying and punishing enemy mistakes (such as poor ult economy use) and interpreting the massive amount of things happening on the battlefield very quickly in order to maximize her impact. She was unique in this way and played more like a healer or support from an MMO which appealed to a LOT of support main type folks. She was all about squeezing performance out of her that you have to actively seek to improve at and can use to manipulate the outcome of the battle. Her kits mechanics were exceptionally easy to execute in order to get basic output from because her whole design was about monitoring the flow of battle and acting with what tools you had to prevent it from snowballing your team’s fight into a loss. Thats why her kit had significant limitations; she needed to both be limited to force decision making on the fly for the good of the team with what she had, and she needed to be weak enough to counter the amazing power her Ult had.

Its kind of like riding a bike; just because you can bike across town without falling down doesn’t mean you’re pro BMX. That requires looking for ways to improve and expand your abilities in ways that many probably see as trivial and that aren’t obvious to people who don’t know about them, but it take practice and takes refinement. Its the same thing that seperates a really good Winston from the rest. His kit is no harder than Mercys and in fact despite sone portions being harder, there are also some portions that are even easier and many areas that translate in concept, such as their movement abilities and the need to be very cautious of what they can and can’t survive and when its opportune to exploit an enemies mistakes or act in order to save an ally. After the rework for Mercy, that being able to pounce on and exploit enemy mistakes to make a huge play is just plain gone. All she has is saving teammates but its not something people acknowledge as something players do or appreciate the anticipation or combat tracking that is occurring to enable more saves. In fact, her ability/cooldown based Rez punishes Mercys who are better at saving people which punishes the Mercy by giving lesser rating despite trying harder to save the team. Its backwards and anti-Mercy players love to endlessly antagonize and refuse to understand the issue.

If people would just take the time to understand the problem and stop antagonizing Mercys, there would be a TON less threads bringing her up.


“Boring to play” is just as good as an argument as “Not fun to play against”

As in they both are terrible arguments.


Personally, I would just rather she be picked for reliable healing instead of rez. Now, she’s picked for rez.

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or maybe he was just born with a heart filled with neutrality!

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