What people don't get about Mercy mains complaining

It was done to abuse the SR system, which no longer works andwas also done, only by a small amount of players. It is indeed a misconception to assume that every Mercy player did that and that it was the only viable way to play her.
On top of that, with the right changes, it wouldn’t even be possible to get value with that strategy at all.

Did i say something about reverting her? No.
And just fot the record. Reverting something means that they go back to an exact same state something already was in. Like her 50HP/s, that was a revert. Same with Valkyrie, which was a revert.
So this:

Is already wrong.

They also never said that. They just said a revert won’t happen. At no point they said Mass Res can’t return in a new way.

If you ignore that AFK mode/Pro simulator/Easy mode Ult Valkyrei, she plays just as skillful as the old Mercy (only a bit easier wit hthe new GA), Just way more dull and frustrating, thanks to the 50HP/s revert, the slow down on E res and the fact that she has no Ult and no moment to shine.


she is definitely not in a good place and not fun to play, but as long as she has the rez ability, she is still really viable even in high tier

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A tip from a non-Mercy main. Stop asking for a revert as literally no one else (especially Blizzard) wants that, we all think it it’s a terrible idea, even if we agree with you that current Mercy isn’t quite right either. Try to make the conversation based around another rework, not a revert.

so true
mercy mains 90% doesnt know what they r talking about
hell i saw a video of a mercy main dont getting a joke of the owl

When I say revert I mean back to how she was originally released in May 2016. That Whole package. Blizzard will never do it.

Again… OTHER heroes… Learn to play OTHER things and learn to get over it.

To me Mercy 1.0 was never perfect - I always sorely missed an E I could use to contribute to the fight, and her ultimate obviously needed something to make it more balanced. But what I liked about her is that she had moments, seconds where you felt that you contributed something immense to the team.

Everything about 2.0 has not been bad - bunny-hopping has made Mercy much more fun, and I doubt I could ever go back to playing without it. But this E is not what I wanted - I wanted something I could do continuously, like Brigitte’s whip (not the mechanics, but in terms of cd and impact) not something on a 30 second cd that feels like an absolute pain to use. I also miss having an ultimate that made me feel strong - at most Valkyrie makes me feel useful. Even Coalescence, and ult not praised to the heavens, can make me feel like an absolute God when I simultaneously heal my team and kill off a couple of enemies.

Mercy feels like an enabler, like someone there for others to shine. I just want some more moments to look back to and say “look there, that’s where I made a difference!” and for people to agree.

Sorry for the long post, it’s very subjective but it’s not easy for me to put words on these feelings.


You can’t have resurrect and be the best healer. There are other supports in the game, that need to be played. There are other healer mains, in the game that want to be able to play their favorite character and contribute to the team equally. The whole world does not revolve around Mercy.

I can play more than enough Heroes. What your saying is not really reasonable in that regard.

Yet again, no one is asking for that. What Mercy players, mains, fans or whatever want is and actual rework of her kit.

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If your only reason to get a rework/revert is because she’s “boring” then that’s not enough reason to do so… I mean a lot of heroes are deemed boring by the player base they don’t get a rework for that specific reason.

Even with the nerf Mercy still heals significantly more than every healer in the game aside from Moira (who is the only healer with zero utility).

When Bastion was nerfed after the Iron clad Disaster I wish everyone learnt the lessons then. Bastion had not only the viability knocked out of him as well as the fun factor from the pre-ironclad version. Nobody wanted to listen to us Bastion mains then, and now the trend continues the only difference is the hero but the same stuff overall.


Are those people usually the people who main those heroes though?

Be honest, if they removed Ana’s sleep dart because people hated being stunned… wouldn’t you be a tad bit upset? Because I swear, if they did that I would raise hell about it!

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If you feel the need to ask this question then you will never understand why we feel the way we do. Don’t worry about it.

Not sure how that correlates to what i’m saying I’d be upset if it’s not fair and weakens the hero to an unplayable state… Mercy isn’t weakened at all and still remains meta… if they take Ana’s sleep dart that makes her underpowered unless they add a new ability which actually sounds interesting.

Take orisa for example a lot of players that main her said she’s boring “residentsleeper” I myself main her and she’s not fun unless you halt people off the map… yet we were never given a reowork to make her more enjoyable to play have we?

The point is that’s it’s an ability you like, right? Even though for many characters it’s not particularly fun to be exposed to (and we have to be honest, some sleeps are amazing skill, but hitting an ulting Road Hog really isn’t). So say it was removed because a lot of people hated having their ults ruined, and instead we got a rapid fire mode as a new ability. Might compensate balance wise, but I would forever scream about losing such an amazingly fun ability!

As for Orisa, if her mains really feel she’s not complete and fun it really should be talked about more. For those of us who don’t play her as much it might be hard to see if it’s not brought to our attention. I would gladly support changes to Orisa if her mains wanted it!

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What the heck I remember many threads asking to fix doomfist what are you on?

They actually did get around to fixing some of his bugs and making it so you are actually doing work with him instead of ghost punching through a tank.


I rather have mercy than ana and moira dpsing the whole time.

Bruh didnt I make the same argument against you the other day after you got all edgey about your age and all the death and darkness youve seen in your time?

You’re sounding a bit flip floppy

and to the average player she plays almost EXACTLY the same as she has played since launch. You hold down a mouse button, you fallow your team around and watch them play the game.
Her entire kit is reaction based only so at no time does the Mercy “making something happen”.

Her positional play is set up by where her team sets up, not her. When to push or fall back is her team, not the Mercy player. She lives or dies based off mostly the actions of her team looking to peel vs her being able to duel much of anything (even if it’s technically possible).

Her old ULT while way more of a “wow” moment was less active than both her current ULT and how Rez works now as far as stuff to do. Plus like it or not, most Mercy players can’t play other heroes being nothing about Mercy and her reactive play style transfers over to other heroes.

So leading off with “She’s boring to play” when she plays the same as always, is going pretty much fall on deaf ears. Mercy game play now vs Mercy game play later vs future Mercy game is still just walking your team on a digital leash.

i think using sleep dart is a bad example in comparison to mercy. if you wanted it is more of a level of GA mercy as both abilities are designed for self defense.
ana had speed boost and higher damage and people complained about those nerfs. the reason why it was less of a drama was simply because ana had less ana mains compared to mercy mains.

also i have never heard anyone complain about a sleep dart rather people love seeing such a thing happen. is that not the reason rejyun became famous for hitting those dart or look at ml7 getting exposure for his ana and he is famous now.