What is up with all that "Mercy" threads?

Is it witchunt for another hero? I mean, with crossplay and hitscan nerf - Phara is back in game and consoles can´t handle it - I get it… But can we just calm down a bit? I really don´t want to see another support getting nerfed to the ground. Look at Moira and her state…
I think there are people, who hate her dmg boost and what it does with some heroes…
But there are also people, who simply can´t kill her, so they will hate on her superjump for that…
And than there are people, who just hate the fact, that she is easier hero to get value - but hey, this game has lot of heroes like that.
And I gues also people, who see her in every game (cause she is very popular character) and think, that she is somehow OP for that reason.
Idk… :thinking:

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My post was about something that was bugging me for some months. The last time i visited this forum was months ago and it has nothing to do with the sudden increase in mercy posts/ mercy’s playrate.

Also, kinda weird to assume that i hate on her superjump since i never mentioned that i disliked it.

She is a witch in one of her skins so maybe that’s why :woman_shrugging:t2:

I mean…no need to take it personaly…I´ve seen, what people wrote in those threads so I made a general summary. It´s not aimed towards authors of this threads only.

I understand. it just bugs me that the first sentence is ‘Is it witchhunt for another hero?’ even though nothing in my posts implies is it anywhere near a witchhunt. Also being the first post tagged doesnt help.

Yeah, it´s what it looks like to me, seeying all those post for last 48 hours. I know it was not your intention. I just see lot of “Mercy” trheads poping on and it reminds me witch hunt for Hog or Genji…it looked similar.

I’m just tired of damage boosting in general. There is much more useful utility that could be given that doesn’t inherently break the game. How many heroes have been nerfed because damage boosting/pocketing them makes them too strong?

I don’t mind if she gets reworked, but this nerfing has to stop.

This is not the first time the forums got flooded with threads wanting her to be nerfed. Same thing happened a few months ago.

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