Please fix Mercys super jumb glitch

Every game that I join, I see Mercys abuse this glitch and it makes them literally unkillable. I don’t understand why this glitch hasn’t been fixed yet. No other healer can do a jumb like that. It’s getting so annoying and frustrating. Please fix it.


Just shoot at her :smirk:


Except it´s not glitch - they left it in game on purpose. It´s more like technique now, but pretty predistable movement for shooting her, so idk why people complain. :woman_shrugging:

Points at Baptiste


I only find it annoying when she is res during valk and does this weird ping-pong bouncing thing

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I do that flicking a lot - it´s fun, how people often can´t headshot me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I literally use the moment she shifts to murder her. You’re just too tilted to realize how exploitable her movement abilities are.


cause they can’t as you’re ping ponging so fast

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It has been intentionally left in the game and is considered a movement tech.


I guess Mercy got away one too many times for him, huh. But it’s unlikely that they’ll change that any time soon. Aside from the fact that the devs actually released an official video on it, Mercy still needs a teammate for it to even work. So, if you tried to 1v2 the MercyXHero combo, I think that’s on you.


Its not a glitch if the developers know about it and its taught in official broadcoasts of the OWL.


Why fix stuff when you can just say it is a feature?


If it was a glitch, it wouldn’t work consistently based around the physics of sling shot. It’s not an error in coding, it’s a game mechanic exploit that came around from being able to press space bar to slingshot past the guardian angel target.

Also superjumping mercy is easy to kill. You just shoot up and laugh as she locks herself in midair position. Superjumping mercy in the open could not be an easier target for a big majority of the cast who are not essentially melee range heroes. If mercy gets chased by a tracer and she superjumps instead of flying away, she’s dead.

Also, baptiste can literally exo boots up with less downtime and without teammates.


Exploits are type of bugs.

It’s not an error in coding. If they wanted to fix superjump, they’d have to remove the entire slingshot mechanic or work that from the ground up because it’s inherently tied to guardian angel and slingshot mechanic.

Glitch is where things don’t actually work like they should be working, such as mercy’s ghost ga where she used to be able to randomly ga to teammate through walls (not by using the beam prefers ga settting) and spazz out. Or for example, graphical glitch. Or sigma’s hands being stuck in an animation.

Game mechanic exploit is where the mechanic is working as intended… but used in exploitable and creative ways for unintended effects. Such as doomfist rooftop surfing or diagonal punches. Hence the term “creative use of game mechanics” blizzard themselves uses in reference to superjump.

Bugs can definitely be exploited like Junkrat’s droptire glitch. Or symmetra’s wall teleports and wall turrets. But not every bug is a game mechanic exploit and not every game mechanic exploit is a glitch in the system.

Ultimately, it’s down to blizzard what they consider worth fixing and superjump was intentionally left in.

It doesn’t have to be. It is a flaw on the engine deisign level.

If it is an exploit it already means it is not intended.

If I “creatively” find a way to make a tons of coins out of nothing it will be patched in seconds and I will get banned.

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I don’t know if it has reached official documentation yet or not, but the devs have already pronounced this ability to be an accepted part of GA, and as such it is not really considered a glitch any longer

not at all

not literally, not spiritually, not actually, not virtually, or any other -ly one can think of

in fact, some players (usually Widowmaker mains) like the fact that it pops Mercy up into the air like a clay pigeon.

very killable

Because the devs dont see it as a glitch anymore, as explained above.

no other healer can ride walls like Lucio can
no other healer can put an opponent to sleep like Ana can
no other healer can create an immortality zone like Baptiste can
etc etc etc

its not a bad thing for each character to have a different set of abilities…its a good thing, and it makes the game more interesting


Does it even make her unkillable? You know you can just aim upwards right?

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I’ve seen superjumping mercy get pulled by orisa’s halt into a halthook past rein’s shield due to the very fact that by superjumping, mercy will first fly to the ally and only then will get some upward momentum, instead of staying at 15meter range from ally. Also the further away you superjump from, the longer guardian angel cooldown is delayed. For little to no distance at all. This is why it’s risky to superjump constantly when you’re not jumping to high ground for cover.

And in all honesty, even if the mercy is super elusive and never dies, mercy can only do so much with her zero burst heals and design which relies on her teammates to do stuff… you can easily lose games as mercy even if you never die, with great stats and 80% assist card.


People latched onto this exploit as a “skillful feature” and will riot if it gets removed.

Personally I think at this point it needs to be converted to an actual ability. Yes, that will reduce its functionality. No, that’s not a bad thing. It’s too unintuitive to typical players and it’s too versatile as a “free” ability not considered an actual part of her kit. Standardize it and treat it as part of what she is.