Can you please nerf Mercy?

That’s all I’m asking for.


No <3


Naw. She is in the best state yet.




They would never. Even when Mercy’s rework first came out and she was busted beyond belief, you had people on here saying she was still underpowered, which is why her nerfs came in the form of tiny tickles that trickled over six months, when it needed a chainsaw.

Mercy is enabling a lot of really unfun things in the game right now, and her synergies can be too strong, even if she herself, in a vacuum, is reasonably balanced. Plenty of heros have been nerfed or reworked because of that; we’ll see if Blizzard actually grows a pair to try to improve the health of the game.


……What the heck lol…

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Why Nerf a character that is balanced and has not required any changes to her in almost a year?

She’s fine-she’s possibly one of the most balanced heroes right not, falling in and out of meta without changing her at all.


All of these people saying that Mercy is fine are dead wrong. However, she does not and has not needed flat nerfs. She needs a rework to pull power out of the passive, uninteresting parts of her kit and into the active and fun parts.


I’d gladly trade 5% damage boost nerf for about… 15 nerfs to other heroes.


Also, OP failed to tell us what needs to be nerfed? Does anyone else feel the same ?


Nope. She is fine as she is.


I’m curious, how would you nerf her? Should give some input and ideas on what you think should happen.

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I love how anytime Mercy is mentioned it is guaranteed someone says “now the mercy mains are coming for you”

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I keep seeing this all the time. Never actually been given an example outside of Ashe.


pal, there where tickles in comparison to her overall power power but if I ever dared suggested we add one back, after all they are a tickle and did nothing your words, you would say its op. they literally rmeoved features from her. she lost her reduced cooldown on rez, her free rez pool, she lost her instant rez, she lost increased dmg on blaster, she lost speed on GA, she lsot cooldown reset on rez.

none of them are tickles mate and she would get multiple of those nerfs in the same patch


O god the mercy mains are flocking



I’m starting to wonder which streamer / OW content creator complained about Mercy to bring this influx of demands for nerfs.

I’m not opposed to Mercy getting further tweaks in the sense that the game will always continue to get adjustments, and nothing needs to be etched in stone. But until/unless there is a good case that Mercy is too strong, breaking things or crowding things out of the meta, then no, I’m not going to be in favor of nerfing her.


Baptiste is the only overperforming support right now. Devs need to decide does he heal massively or does he rather bring in damage and good utility. Because his healing is insanely high and IF+matrix are really good abilities

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Another person who cant play the hero properly asking for nerfs.

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Roadhog, Sym, Torb, Bastion, Lucio, Sombra, even Brig to a degree. Mercy herself was already reworked because of this once.

Almost all of these heros were reworked not because they were so dominantly strong, but because they weren’t played as intended or were the ‘unfun’ to play with or against.