What if you woke up tomorrow as Jeff Kaplan?

Contact Jeff to see if he’s at my old home.

Apologize for the squalor in which I live.

Try to figure out which of us offended the gypsy fortune teller and try to see if there is a solution that doesn’t involve a blood-filled pie.

If there is no solution I do the only equitable thing. I divorce Jeff’s wife so she can be with John/Jeff and start casting fishing lines to cute girls at Blizzard events. Being Jeff has to be good for something, damnit!

Also I change Dva’s voice line to “buff this!” in the hopes that the hurting will finally stop.


best balance patch ever.


I’d increase my metal leaf decoration collection and grow in power!!


wait, about the passive movement abilities, what are some examples?
also, how much hp does hammond have?
also, do the build wheels involve shield gen and stuff? (nerfed, of course)

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You have too much faith in me.

Probably implement all this stuff

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you’re allergic to the 10% of cucumber thats not water? lol

I’d shave, read all the confidential information about the future of Overwatch, OWL and get a hold of Blizzard files…


:v: :rofl:


oh, i’d also get the phone numbies of the devs and give myself access to higher up stuff so i can experiment with balance by meself.


Nah I just hate this community. And the ones that frequents on r/destinythegame and r/destiny2 as well.

Yes, he makes a lot of money, but I am also prone to anger. So I am staying the hell away from any “Community Director” or “Game Director” job for my own sake.

Go into deep depression for having aged rapidly.



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Cosplay as Gordon Freeman from Half Life.

Of course, I need to find resources & method to make a HEV suit or simply just wear a scientist uniform and then equip a crowbar.

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I haven’t really thought them out, but they’d be pretty similar across the whole cast, like being able to run or walk, climb things, etc. Heroes that currently have movement abilities that would become universal will have superior ones, for example Hanzo/Genji can climb any surface, but other heroes can only do so if there are rungs or ledges or something.

He has 100 hp. So yes, there will be stuff that can one-shot him, but he moves at the same base speed as heroes bigger than him, and would probably have a special movement ability as well, being a scurrying hamster and all, so his little hitbox would be bloody hard to catch.

Yes, they do! There will be some kind of thematic difference between Torbjorn’s and Symmetra’s, though, so Torbjorn may be better for fortifying a point while Symmetra is better for manipulating the map, but there’d be some overlap so you’re not totally forced to pick one over the other.

But most importantly, Junkrat would get his line back.

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I have NO clue why they didn’t just make that a voice line.
then roadhog can say “junkrat, they don’t have those anymore”


Then if you listen reeeeeal closely… you hear Symmetra let out a single, faint sob.


“Hey guys, it’s TheWorksho- I mean Jeff, and we are adding a map editor and a massive Workshop update. Also, we’re stopping owl and we are balancing around the community. In addition, we will try a very different and special experimental. We are bringing back 1-3-2 but 1-2-2 will also be in the experimental. Many more tank changes will happen, the most notable one is the global tank cc resistance.”

“We will also try to combat smurfs by raising the level requirement for comp to 125, and lower ranks will give more sr for winning and more sr for losing. Spauntaneous back and forth movement and quick sr drops on the ladder will reduce the number of reports required to receive punishment, as this could indicate throwing and smurfing. We will also be experimenting with an sr minimum. If you start winning very many games at once, the “sr lock” will rise from 700 sr. You cannot go below this lock. It decays over time, 450 sr a month to ensure punishment does not occur unreasonably. Also, we will be matching Quickplay players with tighter skill levels using mmr so one way matches do not occur or as often.”


Hey, that’s my job!


The way I’m laughing rn is scaring my mom :joy::joy:


:+1: :wink:
Not anymore, bucko…!