Fixing DPS queue times

Nah. Too much difference based on hero, this is to reduce the overall game length without cutting down on actually playing, that’s all.

But, faster games, means less queue times.

It lets people actually get more play in, in an evening.

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Ah, got it.

I had a similar idea for Quickplay, but 2CP maps.

You could call it 1CP.

Although my version was Team 1 captures point A, Team 2 captures point A, then the slowest team captures point B.

Which might be slightly longer games. So kinda opposite of yours on time.

no, it still gives you 2 cp.

The idea is this, when you are on attack, you have to wait for the defenders to get their team together, wait for the door to open, wait for them to walk to the point, and get time to set up, then the door opens for you.

If you 1/2 the wait for defenders to get their team together, AND remove the walk to the point, then that is less time lost in a match.

The game itself doesn’t change. It is just removal of dead time during setup.

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Oh, so defenders spawn at point A spawns?

Going more of a “Tiny Overwatch” approach?

Yes at game start they spawn ON pt A. That is really all there is to it.

I’m not sure what tiny overwatch is.

Ah, gotcha, just to trim that time.

That could totally work

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Yep, that is all it does, but, that speeds up the game, without any down sides.

Well, FIRST time players have to work out how to get to the fight from spawn, since they have never walked it before.

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I’ll throw that into my QoL bookmarks

All good! I mean, the more people get it, the more chance it has of happening.

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Yeah, but letting the matchmaker work out where the perfect center points are FOR this set of players online gets better results.

But yeah, that is pretty much it.

Making DPS unfun, are you serious? DPS is already unfun, in almost every team in QP I get matched in as a healer, the DPS are totally unfun. No aim, no kills, no contesting, no nothing. How much worse do you want to make it? :-p

Btw, I’m surprised you aren’t touting your background on matchmaker design on other games up top a bit.

Ideas should be able to stand on their own, regardless of who gives them :slight_smile:

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You missed the most obvious one… removing role queue. :face_with_monocle:

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I thought that was covered by putting openQ next to roleQ, but you are right, you could remove roleQ entirely.

I’ll add it when in not typing on a phone :slight_smile:

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I am just scared because open queue times started at about 15 seconds, right? As time went on, they were eventually about 10 minutes. The problem here is that you could practically just queue for 222 and get dps with minimal risk of a bad game. I am not just talking 5 dps. No, goats is also a thing where you only get 1 dps (that’s me).

Now, there are some caveats, first, I am on console. Smaller playerbase. However, according to the chart, PSN was more receptive to open queue which makes sense as we are more casual by nature. Beyond that, I am ranked higher in open queue than default, so… that could also explain the discrepancy. And last but not least, there was a weird queue bug introduced in that patch that may have influenced results on either end. Nobody knows.

All I can say is that based on my experiences, I am not sure this solution will help long term. In fact, I firmly believe this is just them stalling for Overwatch 2. ESPECIALLY if the pandemic screwed their time table. Outright removal objectively solves the queue times much more succinctly.

Albeit, I sort of just expect is to compromise with 321 and leave open queue as an option if it remains popular. That is the more logical guess at this time.

You are of course right, I should put in cross queueing for roleQ and openQ, As one of the solutions.

There is 0 reason you should be restricted from queueing for both.

That will speed up openQ times as well as more people decide they don’t care WHICH they queue for.

I didn’t think about putting in stuff to make openQ faster, or using it to automatically handle spillover.

This would help roleQ AND openQ times, and insure openQ has a healthy future.

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Oh, that would have been a life saver toward the end of open queue. Just put me in whatever faster. Lul.

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Exactly! It is a good idea, and I’ll credit you for it.

Why? It was not even my idea. I mean, the thought crossed my mind, when I was suffering, but I only really contributed my all time favorite idea of giving role queue the guillotine treatment. :dagger:

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