Crucible found the way to 0% toxicity

This is what they should do in overwatch. I have 2000 hours played and still love the game and I’m convinced its due to having voice off.


Even without being toxic to others i say having zero communications is worse because players cant let out the steam and ragequit very quickly

My question is why is it impossible to have both?

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What is that saying? Absence of evidence…

Granted, I’m glad they left text chat out of the game. Text chats are for people who enjoy typing. Forums are more suited for typing. Text chats, for the most part, are a waste of space outside of MMO games.

Removing voice chat is a stupid move, but there are many ways to talk outside of the game.

Discord and other 3rd party VOIP group chat programs are available.

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Curious what that looks like.

You almost already certainly have the 3rd party software to play with friends in other games. Indeed I use Discord with friends in OW rather than the in game chat.

OP giving some FerociouslySteph vibes I do not like

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The way to zero toxicity? I mean … did we need someone to actually tell us that not using VC and chat leads to that?
Thats just like killing the dog to “cure” the rabies. They didnt solve anything, they just prevented any form of communications that are not 100% controlled by the Devs.


PS: Also good luck trying to get a game to play with friends and or being competitive without those channels. Its 2020.

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voice chat bad because toxic

It was a change of pace tbh, which I appreciate. In other words, combining PvE and PvP aspects into a game. I thought that was really neat. Only reason why I don’t play it is because I have nobody to play with on PC and I don’t play on PC

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In 2020 we have something called discord to avoid that problem if we want to…

There’s no text chat in Forza Horizon 4 (in part because it’s a console crossplay game). People just spam the premade voice line ‘Nice driving’ at their teammates when they screw up.

This solves nothing.

That doesnt exist from this year on mate and we had always other softwares for VC, thats not the case.
If the game FORCES you into other software, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Mostly because then, when for X reasons no other friends are playing, you are not going to invite “randoms” to Discord. Every Single Solo queue match.

That hasnt happened ever.

Bad move.
100% bad.

Bleh, I thought we were talking about Destiny’s crucible and got excited for a sec :frowning:

Despite being another future-based and ability-filled FPS, I rarely see anyone compare notes with that game.

Anyway, never heard of Crucible until now. Looks interesting-ish; wish it launched on mac too but since it is free, I’ll give it a shot at some point.

It is still a newly launched game, it will probably be added over time

if it’s not got vc i don’t want it. basic strategy would be nullified unless everyone got into a discord call.

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Yep, not a chance of players being annoying without VC or text chat.

EDIT: How do I say “No more ults” or “Reaper behind” with the wheel anyway?

They didn’t find the way. They are probably just the first devs dumb enough to go for the nuclear option.

I don’t know what game that is but devs this stupid don’t deserve my money or hard drive space.

It looks lifeless and boring to me, but thats just me.